Show united states a good Cus customer TU russia luissa issa hitherto a pig iron impart ing country exported tu to alacci aurra a i in int year over tons of pi lri in 1 4 I r many sent liet hoy immense quant quantities lEies ot ol pig t iron ima and manufactured steel oven prance contributed supplies und alevo land west coast hematite and scottish pigs owe all their advance and thell present stability entirely to Ni to germany this demand must have proved an itai nixed blessing jess ing rescuing her from what rias vas fast approaching a commercial crosta says s the edinburgh scotsman hunting in india an englishman who recently went hunting in india with the maharajah mah arajah of rebah writes the various passes up which game is expected to go are C each ach commanded by a comfortable stone otono built stand the beaters on foot were over 1000 and besides these there were ivere a troop of dewah cavalry I 1 and about thirty elephants s much was ex expected and my hopes rose as I 1 hoard heard heavy aring on my right but nothing came my way except some lady accompanied L ly by y one stag too small to shoot I 1 used my cam camera ra I 1 in n of my rifle the total bag on only consisted of two stags one bear was missed and two leopards Isop ards were said to have broken back be sides many |