Show LOCALS t roid croaa the ads it pays miss rhoda khoda ashman returned last sunday from fayett where she has been teaching school during the winter the fillmore team of base ball players have received their uni forms and are ready to meet sq pio to morrow if ife does not nob storm miss josie robison is able to be out again after her long illness thos derdon is here f from rom out west buying horses A number of teams were sold mrs mary A king has bas return ed homo home from the north last week where v here she has been spend mg ing the winter come out and see the ball game tomorrow to morrow between fillmore and scipio mr lyman robison was visiting rola relatives tives and J mends fiends in m fillmore last week he was accompanied on his return to the north by his sister miss edith robison mrs stevenson is contesting for the kimbirl kirn ball piano she has collected 1380 words made from three words the Kiin kimball ball piano 0 j the bewis bandehas band has taken the natile name of high school brass bind band most of its members being mem bers of the high M school last fr friday edity afternoon prece proceeding eding the character Chara caer ball the band went thru the oct streets in grand paride the band wagon 0 was drawn by four white horses decorated clowns and brilliant co colof lulls q the t music seemed to be much appreciated the stake priesthood 1111 meeting last saturday was well atten attended deti h ull the wa wards ads being aint represented B W black teacher at cepl spent Satur saturday duy and sunday in fillmore Ill more |