Show home missionaries appointments for march and A ml ril 1906 joshua GreenN greenwood lind and john A peterson oasis and set scipio lalo I 1 john C webb and ernest theobald scipio and abraham thomas and cred vred rick abraham AI raham and deseret heber W beckstrand and nephi stewart deseret and fillmore anthony Paxton Jr and leslie george fillmore and hiiri Hinck atil Toy 1 ey willard R johnson and win stevens hinckley and holden bert L robins and jessie 1 13 iN martin lartin Hol holden denand and Kar kanosh losh joseph E L S tott and john anderson kanosh and lemington edward L lyman and joseph finlinson Leming lemington M toll find and mead ow w ira N hinckley jr and john 0 lovell meadow and oak city john R bennett and joseph moody oak oah city and oasis special talma alma greenwood and william P payne meadow march alth oak city april 15 1906 wm A reeve stake clerk a state of ohio city of toledo ro acao lucas county 1 f frank J 1 chenne chenney y makes oath diat lie he is ia senior partner of tile birin of F J Cli chenney enney I 1 co J 0 o doing business in in tile city of toledo county and state aforesaid and that saibi firn firm will vill pay the flie sum sinn of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for ellel lond every c case i of cattal cit al that cannot be cured by I 1 theu jj of if ralls Catar satarrah Ca tarrah rith ouro cure frank J channey sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this ath day of december A D seal 80 A W GLEASON notary public halls Cat tarah cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tle the system send for tosti molas free f ree F J 1 toledo 0 sold by all 1 druggist rm aou take halls family pills for con |