Show lk u NOTICE united states la land nd office offic 01 sulf suit lake city utah october 8 1909 to whom it may concer con corn w nolice is h hereby given tb that at the state of utah has filed in th this is office lite lista of lands selected by said state under section 6 of the act of congress approved july 1 8 indemnity school lands viz lots 1284 1234 sa 2 nea sa nwe and nea swa sec 5 T 17 S R 6 w S L 51 serial copies of said I 1 ests lists so fur far as th they ey relate to said tracts by deschi descriptive P subdivisions havo been con posted in this office for inspection by any per person sonin interested te to rested and by the public gene r ally during the period of icat ion of this notice or any time thereafter and before blind HP ap and certification under r departmental inq instruct lona of april 1907 protests or cont contents ets against the claim of the state to any of the tracts tract sor or subdivisions he before described on the ground that the sat same no is more inore valuable for minell for agricultural purposed purpose ill be received and noted for report of tho the general laud land onice office at washinton Wab hinton DC fail failure I 1 n e so t to proff bt or contest within the time specified wa will 11 be considered C evidence of odthe the tion non ini mineral tiera I 1 ch character drader of lh ahe e tracts and thereof I 1 being eang otherwise er wise free from objection will vill bp be approve approved ato to i the stute state mhd thompson register date of first publication lon oct 22 date of last publication nov 19 |