Show w v V A A notice M united states land office salt lake city utah aug to whom it II may concern notice is hereby given that the state of utah has tiled filed in Z iq i this office lists of lands selected by the said state under section 6 of the act of congress approve ed J uly 16 1894 1 is as indemnity school lands ands viz aa see ec 29 20 see sec 21 see ec 29 T 16 s r 5 w serial swa sec sec 21 T 19 9 r 5 w serial na nwe dwa see sec 23 fc 39 19 s r 5 w serial swa deec teec 23 nwe see sec 26 n e ean 4 n 0 oan 4 n w ws 4 W wa 4 wa nwe sec 28 t 36 16 s r 5 w serial sla fcc 8 see sec 17 t 18 s r 6 5 w serial aerial s nwe swa sec 23 sa 1 14 swa sec 27 se e 28 t 19 s r 5 w serial f see sec 18 02 see 19 nan wa see 20 00 sf t 17 s r 5 w v nea see sec 7 t ISs 18 s vyt vy it t r 5 w serial sa s swa wa sec 15 ea nea ii see sec 19 f i see sec 20 see sec t 16 s r t 5 w serial see sec 3 sea T see sec 9 qc raj s r 5 w serial y sea see 7 na sec 8 t 18 s C r 5 w se serial rial swa ec 29 na 2 see sec 33 t 18 s i r 5 w serial sa h see sec 28 sa nea nwe na f sea sc 2 29 9 t 19 9 r 5 w ser I 1 ml al sab ea n nwe wa sea sec 29 5 L t 16 s r 5 w swa j T fc 39 19 s r k 5 w serial 1 wa nea see sec 80 if see sec 28 nea ea ea 44 t 16 s r 5 w serf ial sa nea sea sec 4 na V il sec sec 29 x 1 1 1 11 t 19 s 1 r 5 w serial sa sea swa sec 28 na see sec I 1 9 t 18 s r 5 w serial nw sec 10 nea na n nwe wa nane t ean wa swa n nya wa see 23 t 16 s r 5 f w serial see sec 3 r sec 15 t 10 16 s r 5 w see sec 33 83 wa k L nwe swa see sec 34 t 18 s ra w t erial 0 nea sec 10 nea nal f swa nwe sec 15 nea sec 17 fc 17 s r 5 w sea w l see sec 18 b t 15 s r 4 w serial 1 lots 3 and 4 sec 4 lots I 1 tind and 4 see sec 3 lots 1 and 2 sec 4 t 19 s r 5 w lots 1234 see sec I 1 7 I 1 lots 1234 see sec 18 lots 4 and i 3 sec 31 t 18 s r 5 w serial ea sec 18 wa swa see sec 27 sec 28 t IS s r 5 iv seri meriul 2 P v sec 18 V t 18 sz r 5 w aerial j see sec 31 t 10 16 s r 5 wt w iea ea sec 18 t 15 s r 4 w f serial berial ia aeo 17 sa tius see sc 18 t 17 s r 5 f iv serial sea dec 10 wa ij st sa 4 see sec 14 nea see sec 23 sec 13 t 15 s r 5 5 iv 1 sec 26 i 1 39 9 s r 5 w serial nea sea 41 11 swa aw li 19 4 rec 1 30 t 15 s r 4 w wa SP see sec 8 t 17 s r 5 w serial lots J 31 3 lots 1234 sec ec s 41 ta 1 t 16 s r 5 w v lots see sec 18 1 1 acts L tit and 2 sec 19 lot 2 so se ou 0 1 1 15 B S r 4 w serial aerial iines swa see sec ais sue ace 30 sec 19 11 yec see 20 L 16 s 1 r 5 w 4 see bee 19 see sec 30 t 1 s r 4 w v M copies of said lists so hir far as akey U aey relate to to said tracts by de crip ive subdivisions have been conspicuously posted in th this is jofs tice for bw inspection by atty any person interested and by the public cre n e ra I 1 I 1 y during the period of publicist annid ion of this notice or tiny any time thereafter and before final ap provid and cei certification under de part t mental regulations of april 25 95 1907 protests or contests against the claim of the state to fc tiny any of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore descried on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral th than n for agricultural purposes will be received and noted for report to me general land office at wash ingboe D 0 failure so to protest probest or contest within the time feime specified will be considered reconsidered sufficient evidence of the character of the tracts and the selections thereof being bein otherwise free from objection will be approved to the state E D R thorn thom register ditto dale of first publication aug 27 date of hist publication sep 24 D E PA ENT OF eli rl INTERIOR U S land band office at salt lake city I 1 utah itah sept ath 1909 no tice is beeby given that alpin L all red of deseret utah who on april ath 1907 made desert land entry no for sea sea see sec 15 section 22 township rown ship 17 south range 7 1 west vest S L meridian 1 has tiled filed notice of intention t to 0 malre make linal proof to establish claim to the land above described before the reister register re tl ister and receive er of the U S land office at aalt lake city utah on the day of of october 1909 claimant names as witnesses hyrum S cahoon george NV cropper angus allred and jos W damron all of deseret Desere fc utah E 1 R thompson 10 8 register NOTICE united states stales land office suit letike fi ake city utah aug ang 25 1909 ro fo whom it t may concert LN invoice 0 i c eis is hereby given that the state of utah has filed it in this office lisck list fc of lands selected by wid state under section 6 ot of the net of conar congress cc 9 approved proved sip july loth indemnity school lands swa nea nwe sa sec 29 and sec se 30 t ta s r 5 w serial sea lot 1 sec 30 lot I 1 sec 5 t 17 s r 5 w lots 1 and 2 see sec 1 t 17 s r 6 w serial lot 2 see sec 31 t 17 s r 5 w lot 6 sec 6 t 18 s r 5 w lets 6 and 7 sec 6 t 19 s r 5 nv serial OW copies of said lists so fur far as they re laic to to said huid tracts by descriptive sulli subdivisions visions havo have been con iu in this office for inspection his lection by any por per sonin tc te rested and by the public gener ally during the period of icat ion of this nol notice nolee ee or any time thereafter and before final approval PI tind and certification under departmental instructions of april 1907 protests protects or contests against tile the claim of tile state to any of the tracts or subdivisions before described on the ground that the samo same is more val bable for mineral than for agricultural purpose will be received and noted forre for of the general land office coffiee at washinton DC failure so to protest or contest coil test within the ainu specified will be considered si s i efficient evidence of the non mineral in character cha rocter of the tracts and the ibe selections thereof being otherwise berwise free from objection will be approved to the E DR thompson register date of first publication 17 ditto date of last publication oct 15 |