Show facts about the town of burtner the town of is surrounded robill ded with good fanning acres the oasis land irrigation go co tire are selling carey lct act lands up upon li the west and north of burtner for 45 5 per acre from 1 JO 0 to IV 15 11 miles it 08 distance 1 i S talice the sevier river land water co are selling carey act land upon tile the east cast of us LIS for 75 pe per r dere acre her will bo be the RR RH R R H station and distributing point for ill all of the oasis land gos cos land two thirds of ill all the sevier ri river ver oo 00 cos land all of abraham lands lallas and one lie half of Hinek leys land Burt burtner iier ther therefore fore is desti destined nod to become the largest city in ill central or southern utah jt h in tile the near future the land aro i W 6 burtner is especially ily a adapted t 6 d to io ajl k growing 0 of f 61 sugar leets oct sl alf althe 0 j O fit fai seed and hay 1 ay as well as grain g r aill potatoes ota toes and garden garde n s stuff ti t ft A y good stand of alfalfa will put cut six six f y SA tons toils per pei acre to a sea season alij and alad it ii ff 11 is now adorth 14 per ton bailed baided M und and lins lias not been bech less than 10 m ail per nei ton for many years F 0 B vl e cars a rs Burb barbner ner tsa l 1 it is not uncommon for or it a fit far r p y w 2 mer iner to grow 1100 af alfalfa saiad yh y per acre when a good g ool year f 3 al seed fruit frait las has not been tried trie d is as the 1 place lace is too new liell ott oak k city 12 miles to the east aan c n A 1 be excelled for all kinds of fruit apples pears prunes and plums have been grown successfully W i A H miles to the south of us its the great cost of getting water fa upon this land is why it lias has been beell so long imig un unoccupied occupied our re reser er 40 voir dam and spill i way was canal leatte rals and blead arr t gates have bave cost over they have all I 1 oani d completed and water is in the dit ditches elies v J burner is id situated ii in a large W valley thc jhc sani ta Q S A lake R R pass 85 nn acs frohe T salt lake miles hiles tron from lo 10 los 8 angeles geles ye we have for our markets the gold mining camps of nevada ne vada and los angeles Aig cles tipon the south west wea and salt lake upon the north east our dimate JJ is unsurpassed in the inter mountain region our water f rights are second to none our soil it a deep rich sand clay loam loain these four essentials soil cli mate water and market in ill connection wl etli the ty of land and the location is ivay we claim V so much for burtner men buy land liere here af after t e r visiting bevc every ry district and irrigation scheme beille su in I 1 n the west ninety per cent of the men inen looking for lio homes iries abat visit this section buy mhd far lg 4 A h 1 ill mer or of today never looks for work and is very little concern concern ed when lie he reads of strikes ta the farni farm products increase every Q year in ill value vahie because the de maud mand is greater than the supply f the market hunts the farmer ht riner in ill A tr stead of tile the farmer hunting huntsm the market the farmer is the most diio st j 1 15 contented worries tile least leas lives tile the I 1 best le st most 11 10 st of whom have a bank account who do es not wish to be a far farmer nier now i is the chance and the terms are ea easy sy all things considered we anve have litov 6 the best and cheapest lands hands anywhere to be found upon pon the market do not buy before see ing what we have at burtner for you for further particulars ani 1 l write to i N S bishop v 4 1 1 I 1 A bairt burtner ul 4 a i vi t f T sa s1 yi L jax i skates 1 A ateS |