Show 1 0 1 A for infants and children child pen YAS I 1 he kind you have always bought bears the signature of 4 court to decide if spirit can talk to dead newyork new york mrs may jay pepper vanderbilt the spiritualist bishop of f brooklyn Broo lilyn asks in effect unequal 1 as a cure for croup besides being beina an excellent remedy fur for colds and throat troubles chamberlains chamberlain s cough remedy is unequaled as a cure for croup says harry wilson of Way Wayno town n ind when given is as soon na art the croupy cough appears this remedy will prevent the he attack it is used successfully in in thousands of homes hoines for sale by C W brampton Frampt ni i yat f yf te A M S vv ta N state stat 0 of 01 ohio city of toledo SS lucas county frank J cheney makes oat oath h that ho is senior partner of thoi the birin of F J chenay chenoy co doing business in the city of toledo county and state biale aforesaid and that said birin will pity pay tile iho suni sum of ONE HUNDRED D DOLLARS for each and every ca case so of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of haus halls catarrh cure frank J chedah chenoy sworn to before me ine and s subscribed ab in my presence this ath day of december A D 1886 se seal 11 A W GLEASON notary L public halls catarrh cure is taken internals inter internally nall y and acts direct y on the blood blond and m mucus liatis Surf surfaces acus of tile the system send for testimonials free FJ F J cheney co toledo 0 sold by till all druggists talie take halls family pills for foi constipation D H BALD BALDWIN V A lik T CO J y aim flu aru wahn fu da J ja can CL j it ia A abw M IL 3 4 the baldwin hamilton amilton ay ril ellington howard monarch and others constituting a product that has received the highest hig hest honors at home and abroad GRAND PRIZE come and inspect our leine GRAND PRIX s ST LOUIS 1904 or 01 write for catalogue PARIS 1900 s 0 n e C atile j 1 I 1 y t t 4 S f |