Show PRIMITIVE MODE OF LIVING the people of a mill mil or sever seve til dl mills if tile the mills are nearly located together occupy it a village which is made up of huts made of mud bricks and palm leaves leave as woven into sheets and aid tacked onto bamboo bair boo poles poled all are thatched with a long to tough tibb grass used throughout india for covering huts buts and bungalows and which makes a tight cool and durable roof the floor is made of clay tamp ed down hard which makes a very good floor on this floor is spread in places matting made of bamboo gai glass ass on this matting many of the natives throw abrow a cotton blanket or possibly a thin mattress for beds some have a ride bed made of four posts 16 inches high with crosshead ai and aid d side pieces pinned together and then crisscrossed with hed bed cords there inay bo be a few 6 4 I 1 tide ade benci ben clies ies but little or no other oilier furniture is to lie be seen in the huts the natives eat on t alie ie floor squatted around a pot or pan containing the food the men and boys eat first and the women and girls afterman afterwards r ds taking what is left the mode of life lif e is thoroughly thoro primitive alil 11 etive no knives spoons or forks are used in n eating the fingers answering all purposes each indian is amb bious to own a brass jug or pot and these brasses are handed down as heirlooms heir looms and are held as almost sacred in possessions Th they eyare arc kept bright by scouring riny them with mud and W water ater after a meal ineal the brasses that have been used in ill any way are taken out i in ii the street where the women or men as the ca case ze u nay may be squat on the ground and rub them with the dust and water |