Show 0 the ath lotta jow the regiment nent I 1 tas was organized at burlington lowr luring during the month of f july IS 1861 61 to serve serve three yar on the expiration oi of its term of service the original bemb members era except veterans I 1 vere era mustered out and the organization compose composed d of veterans vet eraas and recruits retained in the a until sept it 1 1864 when itam was s con solid axed with the uh iowa cat car the re regiment im left the state A august r t 11 z under comma com mami in of Colonel ath worthington Worthingt cn darin th a win winter ter of ga tb the brigado was commanded ty by colonel agton on oa may aa 1362 1 while returning to camp Q colonel i ton was shots and I 1 T 11 killed byone by one of his ais own TOSS non shortly after the death of I 1 the thea colouch colonel charles ch ul L matthies matthie 11 heat lieutenant e fiut colonl colonl was promoted and was was in in command of the regiment antil until april apil 53 23 1803 when ke he was made bri brigadier 11 general r he was kyas m banbury the greatest ao 10 D of fahs tha regiment was at busai where 52 rd ra embers or over over 12 per cent of the total number engage engaged 1 l were killed suffered severely at C n amylou 1 siege oi of and chattanooga the lotif total e enrollment n of this regiment was was 1042 of these thes e or over 11 per cert were killed in ln action and abid more d died led in in arso prisons n s or of dise disease ae it t ws one ol of th regiments |