Show 4 Q v P I 1 I 1 i 7 S I 1 AK A vit VIL ma t m IT HEADS TO THE REMOVAL OF THE ka E b OPTICAL P ta CA L ORGAN jp i 0 0 r s I 1 an 4 Q g va X deml je caned d to staff S er torture ij V no cilc ihla 0 obtain among 9 petern A ye a I 1 tern aie nisi folk I 1 I 1 3 1 asi i u i a abc it I 1 th the sto story ry told I 1 III a the 0 office fil of fh an 11 attorney ii 10 cleveland lid may IS 6 relied upon li xiii mary da dietz J et i oi oa acco account aint of bf ali an recently suffered the torture ot at havin iaone of hc her zey eyes s goil cogged ged out b by az an silo alleged ged doctor ir irom Penu pennsylvania sylvania the story tiras as jold J old in iho fi 0 law office javi bander vy by jamet james bar I 1 ier 1 an ad lix who served ill id alaine ame re regiment with ta a bno 1 war i a says iha chicago times abes 6 iu superstition pe r station in ili question quasti oi ls tha a 0 old ld adne nd about the evil eye and th the e 1 wom woman an who was maimed was su sap p posed hosid to possess it th the 6 bb old belief avo abbat ii the evil eye was that iti red add turned to io decay every hv jan in thing CO which wh ich it ii rested to be in the te presen crt of an evil eye dye was to io be with a Mi lingering mitering gering illness e dby uy death and the grave if of euch an ail ee evad or on fl a farni the hersea cows sheep and swine acea wea Iz edwith with a 11 mysterious y d disease disease and died ili any 1 belity it was latal itil to td the inhabitants tiler thereof cof they jost their appe aped lites becart pale and thin nd ad I 1 f finally eats death claimed khem under ithe fhe gaze ot biach an alf eye the afie farmers crops 4 of gr grain in stopped growing as eliop though lugh a worm gnawed ghaul ed at their ln in soma parts tit bt pennsylvania this t still exists and A df i d fth the hornblas liH ble cucui ceu rence are from that bartot tha dou country I 1 z mr retold the story ro aleah him by hi his former forler comrade 3 follows r if I 1 remember correctly barrows married i his present wife about three ye years a rs ago she bhe is what wo term dutch a class of people wh who are vart vary superstitious arid and fir firm M believers 1 the evil e eye je the came into my obice at le fe 4 dilys g ago boand and fae fo an hour hoar and a it he told cl cf mhd experience esperi ence of his wife Wiio man who had theeb the evil I 1 eye eya for a long time he said he had no n that hi wife acted in a st stra raae man manner ne e when he asked her about it 8 she he tol told 4 him thaes she he believed she had been beai hoodoo eIby so some me person with ark an evil eye his story was waa that she would lie down on the floor an and a go through a series of movements inove ments which were alarming finally ho be said she suspected fiat Mary lietz a ne neighbor awa was possessed of the evil eye I 1 I 1 believe he told me that li his is A wife cAl called ledat at the comans womans house bousa and consulted ir aker and her hio band about her suspicions at any rate it was waa decided that thal t a doctor rho khz was experienced in atha he discovery a and nd treatment af f ev eyes es of that description s should ro r o af be be sent for re he s said ai they located one in pennsylvania pennsylva Penn sylv afa and he was tras p promptly adm aptly engaged ong raged in due time iho do 30 called callady doctor arrived and w went e nt 0 to o the tha omans house my 1 friend said that his wife was there I 1 and sloe she witnessed witnesses al ajl th that a t took I 1 place A bowl of water was taken into th the e room zand and the woman with the supposed suppose d evil eril eye was v as as asked kedo to 1 ua at thia point J I 1 wanted d to know the bowl of waler vae iliad had to dp do with the matter than e ex ilal 12 eal that it was a pi used ed td discover coi 7 e h 1 eye ye was th avii cn ona a 3 if fiere ream an evil eye ajsa i I 1 r rebec e e A afon I 1 fo 3 oja ela be e seen see n in I 1 a the thena aitor ter then agn fi he e W nand i told ms tho the stry of thi the abst destruction r u dation ifft of yer thes wo comans womans aai 5 eye while slie was va s loo looking king I 1 into 11 to dow sta lia 1 saida aia the doctor saw afif ifie reflection of the ovil jj eief He looked aaen nto to make sure eye e it its aisi then he mid made a guide movement with his right hand ji L grasped ped some kind kinc of a an n ingar instrument ins ament trumont a 0 a mrs W M dietz tift ired cry fand there were blood marks a on her hee face wh which icci were 0 bidden when she covered lier her 0 eye with her hands and then she be was ivas carried into inao a room and laid on a bed the doctor rema remained leed alid nd treated the an woman until she mc ra covered from the shock my fr friend le n a t old told me that the omans eye soon sydn hoe healea ca that his wife became her former sell again and that she firmly believed that the dest destruction eruct lon of the the evil eail ey eye 6 had sa saved v ed her life ba barrows rr aws said that su such ch an eye pre prosperity in tany neigh neighborhood where it existed 1 iu I 1 he r ta ted in communities 9 where there ar arft many believers in evil eyes they thep gather at some house and standing around around I 1 a large arg ga bowl of water lo 10 look 0 1 d down own on it while a doctor dufor watchers wat cheri for the reflection if 81 abnot 1 oi the superstitious believers sudden suddenly ij have an eye gouged they hey gladly welcome the pain accompanying the loss of ahe the optic because taw they prefer death to being tle the possessor offu of such oil an cv evil 1 l organ |