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Show l Western Brevities J from the Many Western States I 2 Pasadena, Cal. A party of six government engineers will leave here about September 1 to complete a sur. vey of dam sites in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado river, it was announced an-nounced by E. C. La Rue of the United States geological survey, who vill have charge of the expedition. The engineers will follow the route on which flood waters last year several sev-eral times endangered a similar expedition. ex-pedition. Casper, Wyo., Roy E. Mendenhall, 30, died at a local hospital of a bullet wound received at the hands of his wife following a quarrel at their home here. Self-defense was given as the reason for the shooting by Mrs. Mendenhall. Her husband came home intoxicated, she said and treated treat-ed her in an abusive manner, finally threatening to kill her. Pocatello, Idaho, Residents in the vicinity of JleCammon are taking tak-ing a keen interest in the proposition proposi-tion (if locateing a pea canning fac-torytory fac-torytory ni that city. According to W. C. Smith of Robin, former manager man-ager of a canning factory near Ogden, Utah is MeCammon can produce an excellent quality of Peas. Idaho Falls, Secretary Caldwell of the C. C. has been given the information infor-mation by H. S. Brown of Pocatello, western manager of the Kraft Cheese Co., of Pocatello, that of all the Cheese factories in Idaho about half are located In the upper Snake river valley, making of this section a real dairy center. Vancouver, B. C. Three armed men, held up the branch Canadian Bank of Commerce here and escaped with about $20,000 cash. The bandits ban-dits slugged George Bonnalli, manager, man-ager, and painfully injured him. The bank staff were .forced to lie down on the floor while the robbers looted the vault. Deadwood, S. D. F. It. Baldwin, prominent man. died suddenly of heart disease here. Mr. Baldwin came here from Chicago and was identified with the Penobscot, Mait-land. Mait-land. Golden Reward nnd other mining min-ing properties. He also was active in civic and political affairs of. Dead-wood. Lewiston, Ida., River boats have ceased running as the river shows a zero stage of water the lowest known since the low water mark was established. estab-lished. It is not expected that any more trips will be made until fall rains come. The low stage is not only due to lack of spring ana summer sum-mer rains, but also to the fact that most of the water in the upper Snake river is being taken out for irrigation purposes. Los Angeles, Cal., Sentenced to ret J every newspaper in this city each day for the next six months and rewrite the traffic accident stories in them in his own handwriting, handwrit-ing, was the punishment meted out here to W. G. Lovell, 18, who was charged with speeding. A sentence of five days in the city jail was suspended sus-pended by the court providing Lovell would attend his reportorial duties diligently. The youth eagerly accepted ac-cepted the judg's proposal: Salt Lake, Claiming that the bank sought to unload a million and a half worthless marks on her insteao of sending her $250 in America! money as it agreed to do while she was traveling in Germany in 192S Minnie Zorn brought suit in the district dis-trict court against the Utah Savings iud Trust company for the $250. Phoenix, Ariz., Quarantine restrictions re-strictions requiring disinfection of railroad and automobile passengers from California and fumigation of their baggage has been lifted. The restrictions have been in effect several sev-eral months, having been initiated at the outbreak of the foot and mouth lisease in California. Olympia, Wash., Roger Goudy, 27 years of age, Tumwater, Wash., and L. Farnsworth, 26, Shelton, Wash., were instantly killed when the engine of their dual-controlled airplane air-plane stopped while looping the loop and the machine crashed 100 feet on an aviation field four miles southwest south-west of here. Los Angeles, Cal., John Thomen 37 years old, a commercial photo- : Krapher, was literally blown to bits and instantly kiiled when an automobile auto-mobile struck him at Vernon avenue and Long Beach boulevard and exploded ex-ploded several ounces of flashlight powder in his hip pocket. |