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Show l News Notes f From All Parts of X UTAH I Bri(,'ham City. Bri'ham City will hold its annual "Peach" day festival this year on September 17. By reason rea-son of an epidemic from impure water in this city last year, the peach festival was held at Lagoon. Through the laying of a steel pipe line to the Kuurcc of Brigham City's water supply, sup-ply, this city now has water as pure as is to he found anywhere, and the people here are determined to make this year's celebration surpass that of nil previous occasions of the kind. Moab. The state fi.-vh and game lonimissioner has issued an order (losing all fishing in Mill Creek until un-til June 15, 1925. This was done in order to protect the trout recently planted in the upper reaches of the Htream. The order of the official includes in-cludes the lake constructed last year in the La Sal mountains by the Moab Fish and Game association. Salt Lake City. The proportion of real estate sold for 1 923 taxes in Davis county was less than in any other county in the state, Mark Tut-tle, Tut-tle, s'tate auditor, said, following an mid it made to determine the amount of money due the state from the county because of state taxes. Sales amounted to 2.7 per cent. Virtually 100 per cent of the personal property tax was collected. Logan. The Cache Valley homecoming home-coming and centennial celebration, which was the most significant event in the history of Logan and Cache valley, was declared by celebration officials and prominent residents of the state who were visitors during the two days of festivities to have been a decided success in every way. Considered from evry angle the large number of visitors, the character charac-ter of the celebration program, the flawless presentation of details and the general spirit prevailing the long expected event more than came up to the most sanguine expectations. Ogden. George Burt of this city, was instantly killed when he fell from the roller coaster at Lagoon and broke his neck. The accident occured as Burt was making his third or fourth trip on the coaster during the evening. Park City. Dr. Ludwig LeCompte, veteran Utah surgeon, died at his home here of cebral hemorrhage. Dr. LeCompte had an active career as an nrmy surgeon prior to coming to Utah, having served with General Custer in 1876. Bingham. M. C. Sullivan, an alleged al-leged I. W. W. organizer, was found guilty of vagrancy by Justice of the Peace E. E. Dudley. It was claimed by witnesses for the prosecution that Sullivan was not engaged in any lawful occupation. A jury trial was )iot demanded by the defendant's attorney, at-torney, W. S. Dalton of Salt Lake City. The sentence was $50 or thirty days in the county jail. Sullivan gave notice of appeal. Salt Lake, Conviction of George M. Minousis on a charge of assaulting assault-ing D. S. Dorrity with intent to commit com-mit murder, during the Carbon county coun-ty coal strike, was affirmed by the : tate supreme court. The higher Sribunal found no reversible error had been committed by the Seventh district court, where Minousis was found guilty and sentenced to serve an indeterm".te term in prison. Salt Lake, The parole given George Parry at the March meeting of the state board of pardors was sustained by the board and the prisoner pri-soner has been released to the custody cus-tody of George A. Storrs, formei warden of the state prison. The board recalled the parole granted last March to S. W. Koss, former cashier of the state land office, who i mbezzled more than $10,000 of state funds. Ross has served less than ten months. Osrden, Burglars entered the Pig-gly Pig-gly Wiggly store at 328 Twenty-fourth Twenty-fourth street at ai. early hour and carried away a small safe containing contain-ing $1433.2S in checks and $1100 in cash. Entrance was gained through the rear door. Salt Lake, Difficulties between the ninety-two petitioners for release re-lease of Fire Chief William H. By-water By-water and Mr. Bywater have been rmicably adjusted, it is announced by Arthur F. Barnes, city commissioner of public safety. This announcement announce-ment is born out by a similar observation obser-vation of Judge E. A. Rogers, attor-l attor-l ey for the petitiore-s, who declared that drill periods ha ye been reduced end conditions made satisfactory. Ss.lt Lake, The city water supply being extremely low because of dry weather, the city commissioners of fait Lake have decided that four days each week citizens cannot water their lawns or gardens. If the situation does not improve, it is : ta'ed sprinkling of lawns and gardens gar-dens may be stopped altogether. Prove-, Approximately 500 ring neck pheasants will be distributed i h rough the state this year, according accord-ing to announcement by Utah stata came commissioner officials. |