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Show bUUU mlltlbd TO EAT New Potatoes Boiled Ham Bologne Oranges Lemons Ripe Olives Cheese Butter Bananas Steak Pork Chops Jefferson Merc. Company FOR SALE Everything must be sold In the next thirty days: , 1 pair heavy m tiles. Mowing machine 600 Fence posts. 13 rolls of barbed wire on posts 60 rods 4-ft. woven wire fence. Four room plastered house. Stable for four horses. Hay rack Fresh Jersy cow with calf. Chickens young and old. Gravel bed Some household and kitchen furniture. fur-niture. Other articles. Well 160 feet deep. C. W. ROBINSON. City Dray OAT AHD NIGHT 8KB VICT rroRAoa wauhouu IF XOC BXD TO MOTS CALL US UP If you need a truck, call us up or leavo ordois at Orwin 1 i rber Shop. SHERWOOD BROS PHONE 85 COAL Store your winter coal now. The Government official predicts a shortage for next winter. See our new Metal Adjusting Screens. They fit any common window. MILFORD LUMBER COMPANY Atkin Hotel ....A HOTEL OF DISTINCTION.... FOR GUESTS OF DISCRIMINATION DISCRIMIN-ATION WITH TARIFF IN MODERATION Near the center of Interest. Comfortably Com-fortably dlBtant from the area of confusion. Stop at the Hotel Atkln next time you're In Milford. You will hare my personal attention. Wire ahead ' for reservations. I TffflfaftTi THE FED BALL f j'Wi TRADE MARK lj f firearms Ammunition j Shootin"RHfH ' is ' ytmWi.mk, . I riff i'Wi ,,,, , ,sfe ft -fi Tho all-yoar-'round soft drink. jj tSf Leadership, once established, pfl is strengthened and confirmed jgj Iff! by its followers and imitators ppi flffl Bevo's leadership is proclaimed f 1 1 pfj by the largest rear uard that JMj ever followed a leader. W$m WFW Sold everywhere -Familiet suppliodby isf! SSSt drocer.druist and dealer. Visitor IfrSSfefc are cordially invlied to inspect our plant. lp&! ljl ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST.LOUIS. ffPfil ipE HEJLEXAVAY & MOSER CO. ,.L IgO W00mi Wholesale Distributers, Salt Lake " JrK.I E Cllty, Utah - ffVi! $100 Reward, $109 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science bfti been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being' greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's .Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces Sur-faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution con-stitution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative power of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Ml Druggists, 75c. Perfected Valve -In-Head ifS S lotor has unusual power g When first shown nineteen months ago the Nash Six with -.....,., Perfected Valve-In-Head Motor lT?r".!"Z was accepted generally as mark- ".""Z ing a far step forward in motor rn:P"'i:Z construction. Since then in actual siz.p..mBng.r . , , Sedan $2250 performance it has proved to be Fma.enffer powerful, economical and quiet. 7Zi0 in every respect it is now acknowl- ,,1 e -Aged to be an uncommonly good motor car. UTAH TRANSPORTATION COMPANY Milford, Utah ' " 1 ' j " VBLUE CARS RTUOLUME PRICES ' m"' |