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Show . NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. To the Stockholders of Heaver Count , Irrigation Company ( I'l-incipal Place of Ilusiness at Mil-lord, Mil-lord, Utah. NOTICE is hereby given that fo: the purpose of providing funds -with which to pay the expense of maintaining maintain-ing and operating this company's irrigation irri-gation system and with which to defray de-fray the corporate expenses of th Company, the Board of Directors, a' a meeting held on the ISth day of October, 1916, levied an assessmen of tiny c"i.lo on each share of Clas. "A" capital stock of this corporatioi issued and outstanding on the 10tl. day of October. 1916. payable on or before the 20th day of November, 1916, to the Treasurer of the corporation cor-poration at its oilice in Milford, Utah, Any such stock upon which the assessment as-sessment may remain unpaid at the close of business on the 20th day of November, 1916, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, auc-tion, and unless payment is made before, will b'e sold on the 4th day of December. 1916, at this Company's office in Milford, Utah, at 10 o'clock a. m., to pay the delinquent assessment, assess-ment, together with the costs of advertising ad-vertising and expense of sale. Dated October 19, 1916. BEAVER COUNTY IRRIGATION COMPANY, G. P. Holmes, Secretary. Date of first publication, October 20, 1916. Date of last publication, November Novem-ber 10, 1916. |