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Show ! BEAVER COUNCIL ; NAMES JUSTICE AND MANAGER At a meeting of the City Board Wednesday evening, Jos. A. Man-. zione, present City Manager, was re-appointed re-appointed by the board for the ensuing en-suing term. i Another appointment at the meet-! ing was that of Walter S. Tolton, as' City Justice. The paving question was discussal at come length, but no definite ac-' ;ion taken on the matter. It seems j that it will be necessary to removi the city water pipe-line from th center of Main street before the pav ing is put down, and the city is no I financially able to have this worl cone at rrp present time. Also th " null levy made last year will no furnish srfneiient revenue to put it the intersections, and it is very pro cable that the paving work will over for another year. Beavei year. n |