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Show News Happenings T of the Great htermountain States j ''Portland, Ore. Preparations are going go-ing forward for the 'annual rose festival, festi-val, to be held liere June 20 to 24. in-elusive. in-elusive. Motor boats are elated to furnish thrills for thousands of lovers of fast wntereraft expected to line the Willamette's banks June 22. Yosemlte Lodge, Cal. A plan for popularlzipg winter sports is being formulated by Yosemlte National Park company. Oflfclals are looking far ahead and see in the future a railroad rail-road up from the valley floor to Glacier Glac-ier Point This will necessitate exten. Rive tunnels to avoid the snowslidea of winter, Tacoma, Wash. With one death reported re-ported In the battle against flames. 300 men were fighting to keep bacK a forest fire that threatened to completely com-pletely destroy the camp of the Mineral Lake Logging company near Ashford, on the Tacoma and Eastern railway. Frank Valench, 32, was killed Instantly Instant-ly when a burning snag fell on his head while he was attempting to fell a blazing tree. Ix8 Angeles Cal.- Itoscoe C. (Fatty) Arbuckle, former film comedian, whose pictures were ruled off the screen shortly after his ocquital by a San Froadsco Jury of a charge of man-slaughter man-slaughter growing out of the death of Virginia Rappe, film actress, ha become a motion picture director. Siour city la. The Sioux City Journal and Tribune are Issuing pnoto-graphic pnoto-graphic editions as the result of a strike of printers. The managers of the newspapers declare the strtk la illegal and is not sanctlooed by the national na-tional officers of the union. f . Denver, Colo. Armed with a snlnny 32-caliber revolver and a six-inch dag. ger, with wWch to hold his own in thn "wild nnd woolly," John Riley, 15, sal to be the son of James Riley, Benjamin, Benja-min, Neb., banker, was being held by police here awaiting word from the Fung man's parents. The boy said he was out to see the West. Los Angeles, Cal.Toin Wah, known s the "King of Chinatown," must pay a fine of $10,000 and serve ten years In the federal penitentiary at McNeil rsland, following his conviction on a charge of violating the Harrison nar. cotle law. San Francisco. Kadiophones are now a part of the regula equipment of the Matson line trans-Pacific liners. The new equipment enables the liners to pick up radio concerts, danoe music and news from San Francisco and Tortland for over a day's voyage, and fr the same time from Honolulu broadcasting stations. Boise One hundred and fifty disabled dis-abled veterans of the Woild war, now In the hospital at Boise barracks, were the guests of a circus Saturday at their afternoon performance. Big Cottonwood, Utahn. I nar. line, a truck driver for ino aii t, Del and Transportation company, turned turn-ed his truck and six tons of ore Into Big Cottonwood creek in order to save the life of a teamster. Harline himself him-self risked death, but was pot seriously Injured, having leaped from the truck before It crnahed Into the creek The truck, heavily laden, was coming down the canyon road at a rapid rata -so speedily in fact that the driver could not have atopped it in time to avoid a collision with the team, the driver of which, was deaf, and who was not aware of the approach of the truck until it was too late to turn his team aside. Salt Loke-D. II. Madson, ttah flsn and game commissioner, has 30J babies to care for these days. . He la "'".t h nrher to be 'scrA-on to 1,003, he says, within a short time! They are only baby pheasants, but according to the commissioner they require Just as much care as if they were firospertive chlckt-ns, perhaps more. The bahy pheasant Is Insect!, rorous. He enjoys especially lively young grub vorms, while bugs' are also a favorite. A few hunks of meat, left to rtiMn proierIy in comparatively comparative-ly warm atmosphere, n)n produce, Mr. Madsen says. In a few daj s. pica-ty pica-ty of "perpared food" for this babies. Carson City, Nev. Mary Mckfords1 divorce from Owen Moore was su talned when the Nevada supreme: court affirmed the order of District Judge Frank P. Lnngnn quashing service of summon in the sctto-) brought by Attorney General Fowls? to set aside the decree grunted thi movie btar. j Fort Collins, Colo. ilill I(H1iow. farmer, owes h!s life U the strengtt r.f n neighbor, George Hall. Lectio find Hall were driving to t wn In thi former's car. In attempting to dortg t dog, 1 o how overturned tlx; cur and whs pinned beneath It. a part of th car resting across Ms ttiront, choking ' hlui. Hall, ho was thrown clear, lift ed the car nnd held It high enough 1i allow Iiuchow to breathe. In a tern in'ntitcH another tti arrived Just J Hull's strength ut otif, tvrvl Pocherf wes extrbiited. |