Show NEGLEY EGLEY GETS FEDERAL JOB JOn k- k With a view to bring the dairy dairy- Industry in Utah ups up UP tp tp tp the highest possible standard tho position of of dairy husbandman in to the office of the th the dalr dair dl division lon of U e dep department r ment o of Clr agriculture has been renewed by bythe bythe bythe the appointment appointment of r Noel Negley formerly with the dairy dairy division at Madison WIs Mr Negley already has assumed the tho duties of his new ne I position in Salt J Lake ake and within a I short hort time he lie will begin the organization organization organization of or testing cow-testing associations In rho he counties where e dairying Is the thel l leading ading ind industry stry several associations will wUl be organized under under the di direction direction di- di on of Im instructors from Irom rom the Utah Agricultural college The purpose of each organization will be to educate the farmers in the tho science of or feeding and breeding methods leading to the he cutting out of poor and un unprofitable cows and Ina in ina ina a general way Improving the dairy herds Regular tests of the milk and andUs Its Us value from a butter utter fat standpoint standpoint standpoint stand stand- point will bo be o made and standards will wUl be bo established which every dairyman dairyman dairy dairy- man will b be 00 3 expected to maintain n |