Show AFRAID OF ICE CREAM French Children Taste New Dish and Cry It lilt Is Hot r But Young France Soon Learns to Like It and Hangs About American Camps Ice Paris Ice cream is n a new dish to the Inhabitants of France Some of at the big city dwellers ma may have had a passing acquaintance with It It but the rural folk toll and those in the villages es saw their thel- first ice cream made In the Am American army camps comps Many of at the permanent Am American camps in the service of supplies have made Ice lee cream a n regular feature the regimental canteens turning out the frozen delicacy for several sc hundred bundred men Tho The Introduction of Ice cream to the French peasant children has been productive of much amusement to the American troops The youngsters think It is hot One of the men of an engineer re regiment regiment regi regi- l- l ment took a n mess kit full fall of at Ice to a French farmhouse One of the small bo boys s 's to took l a n big teaspoonful A Alook Alook Alook look of pained amazement came Q cr over his face and emptying his mouth of ot the frozen cream he ran screaming to the protection of ot his mothers mother's skirts cr crying Cham 1 I Hot 1 But I The other who hail h l watched rather stricken horror the fate of the first became convinced that the ice cream was some sort of n white fire rc and tind they would have lUl nothing to do with it The mother another had to eat virtually virtually virtu virtu- I ull ally all nil of the cream In order to In tn Induce I duce luce them that it was cold rather rother than hot and that when not taken too ton fast Cust was good to eat ent Eventually E the till children ate ote the last of the dish But lint ButI I they partook of it gingerly evidently c greatly mystified that anything which first seemed hot then cold could be bc beI I good to eat ent I But In time the kids got to liking I Ice cream and ond they became become as ns great n nuisance around the camps asking for tot forice forice ice cream as ns they had been before in seeking chewing gum m. m I |