Show Horse and Cattle Brand O. O A. A DART SH S-I Shurtleff Hotel NICE CLEAN BEDS SPLENDID MEALS Roosevelt WOODMEN OF WORLD Meets second Tuesday of Month Mont C. C V. V Thompson Consul Con COM R. R C. C Walker WaTher Clerk NOWLAND CAFE MYTON l UTAH BEST MEALS AND BEDS IN TOWN Jas Nowland Prop Butter Wrappers b S 50 60 50 h 76 1000 Is your butter Ranch or Separator Separator Separator Sep We Ve are receiving a great many orders orders ord- ord ers rs for tor butter wrappers which do not give us this information Please do dono dono dono no forget to mention which you have haven in n your letter Jetter We We- use the best v vegetable getable parchment parchment parchment parch- parch ment paper and special ink that I ia fa not affected by salt or grease graue We guarantee both paper and ink to be behe bethe bethe the he best money can buy huy Enclose cash with order It will willare you save are you the C. C O. O D. D charges charged Include Include In- In clude lude postage as u follows For to o wrappers 5 6 cents over to 1000 10 cents cent Mail Mall orders will receive I attention whether Ranch or Sep Bep- New Grand Hotel ANDERSON Wm Vm ANDERSON J. J R. R POINTS President Main and Fourth Salt Lake City Utah I WANT TO BUY iiI iiII I HIDES DES PELTS WOOL FURS Highest Cash Prices Ernest Warehouse Successor sor to John B. B Drew Utah NEW WILSON HOTEL I SALT LAKE CITY REASON REASONABLE ADLE PRICES EUROPEAN PLAN Hot and cold water in every roof roo Cafe in connection CENTRALLY LOCATED Free Bus Dus From Depot Depots I i FOR SALE Lot 26 blk bIl 49 I Lot 13 blk bik 61 I I For or Particulars Inquire I of F. F C. C POWERS POWER I Castalia Ohio I MYTON ON OPERA HOUSE I THURSDAY DEC 13 y s w wf f k k Jr t S ti e r a t t N Nu u fr tJi S d. d J Typical Episodes in ill in inThe The Eyes fie World SEE the furious to hand-to-hand combat of two rivals for the hand of a girl on one of California's highest cliffs SEE the kidnapping of Sibyl Andres and the wild chase of the forest rangers rang in search of her SEE the exciting escape of convict John Willard and his pathetic wanderings wanderings wanderings wan wan- In the San Bernardino mountains SEE the blandishments of the fashionable Mrs Tame Taine in her efforts to ensnare the young artist Aaron King SEE the clash of social forces as re resented represented tJ by the characters of The EYES EYES' OF THE WORLD W which typify dangerous tendencies of our civilization SEE one of the sweetest romances of our times brought to a happy issue against great obstacles SEE the magnificent views of South Southern rn California scenery In mountain and vale which forms the background of or this exciting pictures picture's romance I THE IE I-IE VERNAL ORPHE ORPHEUS US rl THEATRE IJ I-IJ I RE y Is the place to spend a pleasant evening in Vernal Pay us a visit and you will not be disappointed Money to Loan on Irrigated Farms arms In Duc Duchesne Ducheane and Uintah Counties No cash commissions charged Quick action a specialty THE IRRIGATED FAR FARMS JS MORTGAGE CO COMPANY Denver Colorado For information and application blanks apply to the My Myton ton State Bank or The Bank of Vernal f Indian Land Sale The following described lands on the Uintah Oura Ouray Reservation Utah are offered for sale e under the regulations regulations regu regu- Y lations of the Department of the Interior governing the sales of ot Indian lands These are tracts remaining unsold unsold un un- sold from former land sales Full information as to the manner mannor of sale will wUl be given upon request to Albert Alhert H. H Kneale Superintendent Fort Duchesne Utah BIDS OF LESS THAN THE APPRAISED PRICE PRIel WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED JD An Any tract on this list fist is subject to withdrawal in case office should negotiate a n satisfactory lease thereon Name Description Acres Acres- App ApI Joe Gross SEr SEtt NE 29 20 40 r 50 Gomer Corner Gardner SE SE Sg 22 40 50 NW SE 29 40 1000 NW N SW 12 40 1260 1250 Lot S 30 1250 Quo as SW SW i 28 40 1250 Albert Colorow NW 81 SE G 4 6 40 10 1250 Mamie Wilson E E Y SE 31 iw W SO 80 10 Fenno SW N NB NEu 34 40 4 John SE i N 34 40 10 Alleen NW V t SW 3 34 40 4 John SE SEu SE 28 40 20 The following described tract is offered in lots of 12 acres e ch not more than one lot to one purchaser Terms ten percent of purchase price with the bid Id balance balS balance bal bal- ance of purchase price within thirty days after notification notification cation of ot acceptance of or bid For plat showing the manner man man- ner ner of subdivision etc apply to the agency office No bid hid of less than for Cor a tract of acres will bo be considered nor will wilt bids be considered on smaller tracts This tract Is being offered as an addition to the time Altonah Townsite and in the spring or earl early summer of 1918 It will he be platted following the lines of subdivision subdivision sub suh- division by which it will wUl be sold Purchasers are hereby notified that the land laud is sold subject to all ry ry reservations for streets and alloys alleys I I Evelyn Mountain SW 4 N V NW 4 13 4 W 40 r I. I L v Y I S S S If you need S. S M. M I I. I A. A AMus Musk Music Write us at once f T ATT Th The wonder wonderful ul new KIMBALL talkIng m machIne sold Phonographs by us on installments installment i Ashley Bartlett Music Musk Co i r I Vernal Utah to I. I i x tx X x f X I THE UINTAH DINT AH R. R R R. CO li 0 e a Prompt and Careful FREIGHT AND jERVICE Between p c Mack Col Cole Colo and Vernal Utah Fort Duchesne Ducheane and Reservation POl Points Points t CONNECTING G WITH THE DENVER A ARIO RIO GRANDE R. R R. R at MACK N Route all Shipments Shipment via the Uintah Railway f M. M W. W COOLEY General Manager MACK COLORADO i v t v mt v v tf THE ONLY WAY VAY TO REACH I THE rII 1 UINTAH A AIS I AI-I BASIN 1 IS BY THE WAY VAY OF i Denver Rio Grande R. R R. R SCENIC SCENIO LINE OF THE WORLD FROM DENVER COLORADO SPRINGS AND PUEBLO LO COLORADO ON THE EAST AND SALT LAKE UK CITY OR OGDEN OLDEN UTAH ON THE WEST z po PARES FARES TRAIN I SCHEDULES AND DETAILED INFORMATION INFORMATION IN- IN FORMATION TION WILL BE CHEERFULLY FURNISHED ON APPLICATION TO ANY RIO GRANDE REPRESENTATIVE REPRESENTATIVE N- N OR FRANK A. A W WADLEIGH Passenger and Traffic Manager Denver Colorado Roosevelt My Myton ton 7 Price Pr ice j i Daily Auto Stage I Frank Johnson Reginald Johnson i Leaves Roosevelt S 8 a. a m m m. m Leaves Myton 9 9 a. a n ru Leaves Price 8 8 a. a m m. m Roosevelt Agent Ashton Garage 1 f My Myton ton Agent Calvet Calve Waugh Company I I Price Office Tavern Hotel In connection wits wIt 1 passenger service we run auto truck tru 1 1 t I line carrying bagga e e express and freight 11 t JOH SON BROS Managers i m iii n i M M 1 M H M I 1 h n U i H i 11 I i i 11 n u II r I i THE BIG RED BARN BARNt BARNi T t f i When la is need of ot lt livery or auto service or r a place to feed your team the PIONEER LIVERY AND FEED STABLES 1 is thoroughly equipped to till flU your wants t v P t 11 W. W E. E WHEELER SON Prop t II of I J F t-t t II 41 44 1 t-l t r t t I- I J. J 44 J t- t Bids on Clover Seed Seede The e undersigned wi will receive receive bids on sweet clover see seed an and 4 spring spring wheat delivered delivered at Ft Duchesne uc for or Government I We the reserve right t to o accept accept ac ac- any or a all bids Address Tess a all bids ism to o undersigned undersigned undersigned under under- signed at Vernal Utah P. P O. O Bux Box 1 77 UINTAH AH COMMISSION CO Lr EGA L T TJ i J Warrantee and Quit-Claim Quit Deeds Real Estate and Chattel Mortgages Bills of of Sale Land Lode and Placer Loc Location tion Notices Justice Justice- cn Court Summons Notes Receipts MYTON FREE P PRESS ESS MYTON UTAH Bring your job printing to the Free Fr e Press |