Show NORTH ORTH MYTON h BENCH 1 J i G 0 acres acres' I I I Dr Dry G h water 5 t Mail d delivered twice each day Improved ed 40 acres alfalfa Only 20 minutes to show you OU Yo You will be under no obligation I I Pioneer Realty Co My Myton ton Utah Long Time Farm Money 1 I lJ have ve plenty plent of ready mone money for or this class of loans at all aU times and am pleased to go over the matter with k you and give you ou the best of at service at all times D B. B L. L I DART The Farm Loan Man ian Myton Utah B ay I Jewelry Appropriate Appropriate Christmas Gift Our line is large and you can make painted chine perfume perfume- perfume box candy many many selections selections quality quality is best also bulk candy bulk candy and nuts nuL nuts Christmas Christmas Christma money can buy We Ve personally box hox paper Fancy pocket hooks books guarantee each piece as represented watches fountain lIens pens Big lot comSee com See this big line Uno for It will add much mu silver knives folks spoons pleasure to your Christmas shopping etc Toilet sets of oC brushes combs We Ve have many other valuable mirrors etc Box cigars presents to select t. t Cr from m as follows Let us go through our line in det detail de de- t Eastman lastman a pocket knives ni tail tall and you will find just what you I flash lights safety razors band wan want SHOP SHOP EARLY EARL EARLY V- V 1 Williams Williams-Coltharp p Drug Co Next Ned to f II CI-II CHRISTMAS R I Ii SI CiL S J Royal Hoyal Suit o or Overcoat Overcoat Serviceable s 's that he will appreciate A dress pattern lattern of ot silk wool poplin Cecilian serge Berge or one of the many other desirable dress or waist patterns pat pat- terns are most acceptable to any woman Mens tint suspenders handkerchiefs handkerchiefs chiefs ciders knives razors etc omens ft hand band bags handkerchiefs mirrors brush hrush and comb sets dishes Childrens Chit Chil- drens toys and novelties are now on onY display Let us u show Y you ou our line Y Philipps Mercantile Co MYTON UTAH I The P Profit o fit Sharing Store |