Show UCO iACO WEED IHODA PROBABLY LY NOT THE CAUSE OF DEATH OF 0 CATTLE CAITI SAYS HOGGAN According to Dr R. R W. W Hoggan state veterinarian cattle at this time of oC the year do not eat enough of the loco weed to cause death He says that one ounce ounce- o of barum chloride would be e required to kill an that In order to get that much Into the system I t tem tont m an an animal would have to eat at I least east ast fifty pounds of loco weed Some lother other disease must have killed the I Covey and Rogers cattle mentioned last week Dr Hoggan believes death must have been due to dry greasewood greasewood greasewood grease- grease wood which brought about Impaction in the third stomach i i cattle tattle around nave have been Deen I dying of oC sore mouth In this case I a germ finds Ita itu way Into the mouth I by eating rough stuff It Its js s recommended that an animates animals I mouth be washed with Permanganate of P Potash ash In order to gu guard rd a against I Blackleg in cattle a great deal of oC vao vac is being done In fact the law requires that all cattle between the ages of or three months and two years must be vaccinated A small ready for Cor use may be te bought at the Coltharp Williams-Coltharp Drug Store in My Myton ton There is a vaccine for or free distribution at U. U S. S Bureau of or AnImal Animal Animal An An- imal Industry Salt Lake Those who have tried both are sa said to recommend recommend recommend mend the drug store pellet first Albert H. H Kneale Indian supervisor supervisor supervisor super super- visor reports that 2000 head of oC Indian In dian dlan cattle are being vaccinated this fall rail I 0 o |