Show 1 PROFESSIONAL AL CARDS ARC DS L G. G W. W GREEN PhY Physician ician and t Surgeon Coltharp Block Vernal Utah Phone 26 J EDV EDWARD ARD MACKIE Duchesne County Abstractor U. U S. S Commissioner Land Office Offic business l I Duchesne Utah J. J Wj VJ STEVENS Denti Dentist t. t l 1 Coltharp Block Vernal Utah Office Phone 26 W V T WALKER VALKER y Dentist c Roosevelt Uta i. i DR J. J H. H BROWN Dentist 1 i My Myton ton Utah VUth Thursday Friday and aud Saturday only until October 1 FRED L. L WATROUS v i Law Attorney V Will practice in all aU State and Federal Courts Duchesne Utah POPE AND POPE I A Attorneys Duchesne Utah L. L A. A HOLLENBECK C v Lawyer General and Land Office Practice Duchesne Utah e CHAS J. J j V Law Attorney P. P O. O Box 43 Heber Utah ERNEST H. H BURGESS V Attorney at Roosevelt Utah ERNEST D. D MacDOUGALL Lawyer Myton Utah Altonah Utah H. H C. C MEANS Irrigation Engineer Water filings a specialty Myton Utah Utah- D D. L. L CARMODY Civil Engineer Myton J. J Utah A. A AN N. N ALT CO lz i Successor to J. J C. C Jensen Co Abstract of title for Duchesne Co The only complete abstract records in Duchesne Co Duchesne Utah DR M. M B. B SHIP Physician and Surgeon Altonah Utah DR R. R J. J ENOCHS Physician and ana Surgeon surgeon I Office in Williams Coltharp Dru Drug Store I J. J O. O KING O. O D. D Eyes tested Lens duplicated ted work All kinds of optical repair Roosevelt Utah WOODMEN IEN OF OP WORLD No v I Meets second an and an fourth Tuesday of the month Visitors cordially Invited Henry Senry Fowler Consul Commander I WANT J TO BUY I HIDES PELTS WOOL FURS Highest Cash Prices Ernest Warehouse Successor to John B. B Drew Duchesne Utah PLENTY OF J GILSONITE AT FORT DUCHESNE 10 Freight t to Price RAVEN MINING CO OF UTAH ti CLOSING OUT Full Line PEERING DEERING MACHINERY MACH- MACH MACHINERY MACHINERY f BINDERS MOVE MOWERS S RAKES PLOWS PLO AND MANDI MAND T WIDE-TIRED WIDE WAGONS V ANDREW ANDREV KING ROOSEVELT ROOSE VELT UTAH 1 BUSINESS CARDS I S. S L. L KINGSLAND J Piano Tuning and Repairing Leave orders Uintah Builders Supply I MYTON L LUMBER Ul I ER l COl COMPANY ANY Ewin Wagoner Prop Lumber and Builders Supplies Contractors Myton lyton Utah WHITE STAR STEAM LAUNDRY Phone Ute Vernal Utah I LUELLA ABPLANALP Prop I I Town Out-of-Town Work Solicited GUEST GLEASON c Painters Artists Designers Signs and Publicity Vernal Duchesne UINTAH BASIN HOSPITAL Dr J. J E. E Morton Supt V Roosevelt Utah EAT AT LONG RESTAURANT Famous For Best Steaks Reasonable Prices Steak V MRS RUBEN R. R LONG Prop Vernal Utah COTTAGE HOTEL Home from from Home V SARAH L. L RUDGE Prop VERNAL UTAH MYTON l BARBER SHOP Located In basement of My Myton ton State Bank Hath Bank Bath and Shower 2 C D. D J. J Marchant Prop V NOWLAND CAFE MYTON UTAH UlAH BEST MEALS mALS AND BEDS IN r TOWN j J JAS AS NOWLAND Prop I MUREL BENSON c 4 PRESSING AND I REPAIRING Old Beavers BeaTers Bide J. J T. T CARNE Contractor Builder V 1 j Specially Specialty Stone Cement and Brick Roosevelt Utah CALDWELL VELL HOTEL The pleasant shady home fez fei travelers Ft Duchesne Utah J. J E. E WALLACE Auctioneer Livestock a Specialty Eighteen Years Experience Experienc Auction in Myton First Saturday in Each Month Make Dates at My Myton ton State Bank WILL GO ANY IN UINTAH AH BASIN BABIN LIFE IS MADE lADE EASY at the HOTEL Rate reasonable cuisine the best Irwin Caldwell Prop Altonah Utah Horse and Cattle Brand V O. O A. A DART ADART SH S-I H. H M. M Fowler Fowler Successor to P. P L L. L Morrill MomU AT STEEL BRIDGE BLACKSMITHING AND HORSES HOEING PLOW WO WORK K AND AUTO SPRINGS A SPECIALTY ALL WORK GUARANTEED NELSON CREAMERY COMPANY COMP NY Manufacturers and Shippers IMPERIAL BRAND BUTTER nUTTER CHEESE ICE CREAM I Highest Pi Ices Paid For Butter Dutter Fat Fa Collected ted by bI Our o Representative own Twice a Week THIRD TIllED ED N OF THE WEALTH OF THE UINTAH TAH BASIN IS BEING BELG PREPARED FAIRFIELD j BUMPER A horse hors with a record He Be stood for several years yean In Ashley Valley where two four year old geldings of his get sold BOld for He will finish the present season BeaSOn at ML Mt Emmona Emmons Boneta and Mountain Home Get particulars from Leonard Allred ML Mt Emmons Utah Th rh Week a Thrice Thrice-a- Week Edition of the NEW YORK WORLD la In 1017 Practically a Dolly Daily at the Price Pric 01 ol a Weekly No other Newspaper News New paper in the world gives so 80 at so 80 low v a price The value and need of a new newspaper pi in the household was never greater than at the present time Ume The great war In Europe is now way half-way into its third year and whether peace to Ie t at hand or yet be 00 far off orr it and the events to follow it are sure to beof beof be beof of absorbing Interest est for many a s month to come These are world shaking worl affairs la Sa which the United States willing or unwilling Is compelled to take a part No i intelligent person can Ignore Ig iia- nore such issues THE WEEK THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD WORLDS regular subscription price is 1100 10 ler er year and this pays paYI for papers paper We offer this unequaled newspaper and The My Myton ton Free Press to together for one year rear for Shurtleff Hotel V Nice iC Clean Beds Beds Splendid Meals f ls Roosevelt Utah Modern Throughout Steam Heated Rooms 50 Reasonable Rates Home for Travelers HOTEL DUCHESNE CAFE IN CONNECTION SIRS MRS ROSE LEAVITT LE Pit OP L' L DUCHESNE U UTAH TAR Chicken Dinner Every Sunday Have a Hot Hoi one Dorit Dont eat COLD TOAST when you can make mak HOT TOAST AST r V 2 on your w wy y I I 1111 I The G-E G Toaster will serve you with hot toast just as you want it and wizen when you want it I It t makes toast popular alike with those who have to prepare it and those who eat it It makes toasting easy and gives better results than any other method In fact electric toast will spoil you for any other kind Will Vill YOU have a hot one Uintah Power Light Company Worlds World's Standard Stan dard Dictionary L' L x I You C Can n Improve Your Pronunciation and S Spelling pe lie Ing r By Using a STANDARD ANDARD ST DICTIONARY We Have a Few Left In remitting for the he Free Press enclose enclose en en- close additional for a dictionary and the postage I |