Show UINTAH UINTA H BASIN CORRESPONDENCE or M t DUCHESNE DUCHESNE a sf a ih t K a at h tt I h a r r. r Mrs Albort Albert Bjornson and daughter Alberta have returned from Salt Lake take I 1 City they Choy have been attending r summer cummer school A Delco Deleo lighting system has been Installed to t furnish lights for the die two tory story building ro r Dr Albert Bjornson has returned from Salt Lake where he has been taking physical l and professional examinations examinations ex ex- ex- ex for an army surgeon burgeon He passed both successfully R R. R H. H I of Utah has bas been In Duchesne the last few days A marriage license was Issued Issue Wednesday to W W. E E. E Guox dox of Antelope and Mrs Grace Willard of Chicago Ill The ceremony was performed by Mayor M. M B. B Pope Mr and Mrs P. P S. S Johnson and Mr and Mrs George S. S Sloan of Myton 1 were visiting Duchesne Monday J J. J R. R Wilson was an incoming passenger passenger pas pas- on Saturdays Saturday's stage He has been in Salt Lake for some sonie time Shirley K Daniels and and anft Miss Milda Pearson both of Mt Emmons were married by M. M B B. B Po Poe o c in Duchesne Saturday Mr Beck the fire Insurance adjuster adjuster adjuster ad ad- juster was In town last Saturday making an Inventory of the loss caused caused caused caus caus- ed by the fire on the morning of the The estimate of the loss on the Hollenbeck building the Insurance The county loss was estimated at with Insurance of The Duchesne Stage Transportation Transportation tation company Is having its office remodeled for convenience both to patrons and employees Miss JUss Beatrice Armstrong Is vIsiting visitIng visit visit- Ing Mrs 1 Frank Johnson Glen Lambert spent Sunday visiting visiting visit visit- ing hig in Mt Emmons One of the most beautifully appointed appointed ap pointed affairs of the season was the reception given by Mrs A. A N. N Alt AU and Mrs Irs W. W Cammerer at the home o othe of the former Saturday morning from to 1230 in honor of Mrs Sey Sey- mour Billings and daughter Marjo MarJo- rte of S Salt lt Lake City who are visitIng visitIng visiting visit visit- Ing relatives here The reception and tea rooms were artistically decorated with golden rod Clarence I I. I Johnson and J. J H H. Hardy of Roosevelt were In Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne Sunday and Monday They came up to meet the Salt SaIt Lake Commercial Commercial Com Com- mercial clu club and to escort them to Myton lyton and Roosevelt x work has begun on the L. L A. A Hollenbeck and R R. R I. I Mills dills buildings recently burned Fred L. L Watrous and family returned returned re ra- re- re turned Sunday from a a. three days fishing trip on Rock creek Fishing Is Ss fine says Mr Watrous Dr Zimmerman who has been in Park ark City Ity the l last t ten days returned home Monda Monday Wm Morrison Dolphus Marchant Floyd Wheeler passed through Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne Monday on their way home from Salt Lake Mrs A A. A J. J Feller entertained at Bridge Tuesday morning Mrs Tom Firth won first prize prize and Miss MarJorie MarJorie Marjorie Mar- Mar Jorie Billings the boobie booble A dainty lunch was served at twelve Commercial club arrived Sunday afternoon Meeting Sunday evening Liberty theatre Monday morning visited Blue bench Met delegation from Mt Home Boneta Altonah Mrs C. C W. W Baker will take charge of the Grant hotel in the near future Mrs P P. P W. W V. V Billings gave gan a mornIng morning morning morn- morn Ing bridge Wednesday bridge Wednesday August 1 I in honor onor of ot Mrs Seymore Billings Mrs Geo Ceo Kohl won first prize Arthur Orr left today for tor Helper to meet his his' mother who Is returning from the coast Miss Grace Todd is back from My My- ton K H H tit H- H H- H HK K H- H JK H- H UTAHN H S ik SK SK H t HK K Ht W jH ilE I r r. r Otto Mayhew and Elizabeth White Mayhew gave their wedding reception reception reception recep recep- tion Tuesday evening July 26 1917 1911 A delicious dinner was served to about sixty persons The guest were entertained with Instrumental music during dinner A grand ball at at I night to which the public was el eQ proved a grand climax to the wed wed- ding festivities Miss Merle Cragun of Vernal is visiting with Helen Ross Mrs N. N M. M Keels Keel's father mother I sister and law in motored I over from Spanish Fork and spent a afew afew few days visiting their relatives a t at Utahn A heaY heavy thunder thunder- thundershower shower passed over over Utahn Jul July 28 No damage wa was done however as most of the hay is in the stack Adrian Ross and family went to D Du Duchesne Duchesne chesne Sunday night to attend th the railroad meeting A conjoint meeting of the Y M M. M M. I. I A. A and Y Y L. L M. M I. I A A. A will be held hel next Sunday night August at this place A very verr interesting program wilbe will wil willbe be the feature of the evening and we hope to seo see a good crowd In attend attend- ance a ak k tE ifE M iE M k ifE h rt si M JR M h M a R M n E 1 nc i M n v tE iE F h i 4 ik E ik sE iI t The was celebrated In fine style le A program was nicely rendered rendered rendered ren ren- dered followed by a childrens children's dance races and a big ball balt in the evening which was well welt attended and all aU had hada a most enjoyable time Geo Potts hs gone to Kamas to bring his Irene back wh who has been attending school the past year A fine baby boy was born to Mr and Mrs 1 Marvell Marrett last Sat Sat- morning All concerned doing nicely Mr and Mrs J. J M. M Pitt and family have lave gOne to Vernal 0 X W ilE E JK K iE ilE it h si X h iE iEA A TET ANTELOPE PE h E ii F H-C H iE i A very successful surgical surgical opera operation operation opera opera- tion was performed In Antelope a afew afew afew few d days ys ago Mrs J. J C. C was the surgeon her patient a chicken The chick as Is usual with young things whether small boys i or chickens had eaten too much and I Ithe the contents of his craw were were chok chok- j ing him to death In order to save his life Mrs slit silt his craw with a sharp knife removed part of the contents and sewed the incision up Tip with a silk thread This happened hap hap- hap I a week ago and Is I todaY today apparently as well as over with the best of prospects of living to a good old age Three of Antelopes Antelope's boys were I among the first to be drawn in the selective draft each In a different I county They were Earl Farnsworth Clyde Wing Clyde Mackie Mackle I Our Pioneer day celebration was wasa a success from every standpoint Features of the day were at 1030 An appropriate program in the afternoon af- af races for children ren of all aU I I ag ages horse races a wrestling match b ame and a dance at night Every Ev Everything ery thing was free tree Including refresh refresh- ments Expenses were met by do- do from the citizens and all voted voted voted vot vot- ed it a decided success I Clyde Ma Mackie brackie kie has as g gone ne to to Pr Provo vo I I to o undergo the Ule physical examination I Ifor for or the army He will probably en I en- en list 1st at once N i W. W E E. E. E Cox has taken unto himself I Ia a wife His bride Is a lady from the I state tate of Iowa They were married in n Duchesne on the day of July Mr Ir Cox Is a well known and highly esteemed member of this community I and nd has the best wishes of all his friends I Mrs Lyle Young Is h home me once more and rapidly regaining strength J I after fter a long siege of sickness S. S M. M Wing has gone to Soldier Summit where he will work this coming winter H. H H. H Blaine imme nas has a garden that is i I the pride of the entire community I. I I I although there are a number of vegetable vegetable vegetable I gardens in Antelope that are area a delight to the eye Mr BlaIne Elaine has I any kind of garden truck for sale and has already sold on an average of 15 pounds of potatoes a day All Antelope Antelope Antelope Ante Ante- lope by the way has the best kindor kind of or soil for gardens 0 o W. W X H- H TA TABIONA IONA H 1 E H- H 1 sf i E d it f. f H- H iE HOur H- H t. t Our celebration on the wa was one of the best we have ever had The amusements commenced at 10 a. a m m. with a parade in which there I I were Uncle Sam the Goddess of I Liberty and her maids BrIgham Young and some of his wives pioneers pioneers pio plo of 1487 and Tabby's best brass band After the parade a very interesting Interesting Interesting Inter Inter- esting program followed The afternoon after noon was taken up with sports of various kinds A big dance was given at night which was well at tended Varro Jones left with a bunch of sheep to be put on the early market James White came up from Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose Roose- velt to spend the at home Mr and Mrs Hy Jones spent a few days on their ranch last week Mr and Mrs Dolph White returned return ed from Kamas Tuesday I Rollo Jones and family have move moved up to their ranch at Dr Zimmerman of Duchesne has been doing dental work at Tabby the past week Mrs George Sizemore and Jessie Nye are going to give a dance Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day night The tickets will be each There will be refreshments with the proceeds and treat the thel crowd What about the Tabby girls for sports Mrs J J. J C C. Crandall Is spending the week at Duchesne Merlin Jones Is expected home this week 0 o l fc i t tE I d fi E i ik i ft t do 1 W. W F ilc h h f fOurs Ours Is a ft favored location You may know by the company of people who attended our celebration of the twenty-fourth twenty and who helped tomake to tomake tomake make it the tho successful affair that it was full of excitement full of laughter laugh laugh- ter full of fun full of Interest and full of heart throbs In life they are mixed in fun we mix them to make our un compete When fun is complete complete complete com com- we loose ourselves our Identity ty and forgetful of all else we strive for the attainment of Imaginary ends and alms aims Oh there was a fight or two how could there help being Nations Nations Nations Na Na- fight for the preservation of honor of dignity have not r als the right Yes we laughed laughed at I that ball game game 20 20 to 1 i is a walkaway walk walkaway away isn't it Those MountaInHome Mountain MountainHome MountainHome Home boys gave us the beating of 1 lour our lives Our captain laugh ted his r comrades In arms at the bat laughed It Is supposed then that we had aright a aright right to We are happy to know that our our boys took defeat so good humor edly It Is felt though that they will not let such a defeat be recorded against them again They are not that kind The example set them by bythe bythe bythe the bold strong hills the wild rushing rush ing lug waters of the mountains stream streams the birds the bees the beasts th the fields and all else that go to make mak nature adorable here close to which we live raise them as well as u us above the mean petty things of life teaching us the attributes of th the gods It was at it the program we heard of the Joys the trials and at attainments of the pioneers tales that tha I I are of peculiar Interest to us we beIng beIng being be be- Ing pioneers much In the same way they were making It t for us to understand their lives as only such can There were horse races foot races trick horse performing and the dance at night In all those contests ap the elements that effect the emotions How breathless we stand while our favorites strive for master maste ry for first place with what a a. shout of triumph we Jump In excitement when that favorite wins on whom I we would stake our last dollar our last old hat our shoe or our life Ufe or with what dejection hang our heads disappointed In the failure of that favorite not because of the pecuniary lost We forget that but because because- well wen wanted him to win our win our favorite must always be first in every thing This too Is soon forgotten In Ina Ini ina a i way for soon meeting the winner he Is congratulated on his success but here In Is memory of the defeat retained In the soul Is a resolve firm firmand firmand firmand and strong as steel yet not BO so hard bard that the next time If he wins It will not be so easily done dance It was a crowd a Jolly crowd and happy and wide awake and It danced until three a. a m m. without without without with with- out wearying The musicians It was who vho must have with the thelong thelong long ong day for had they not through all with Its heat Its turmoil Its ex ex- patiently stayed by their guns furnishing the music without which the celebration would been a rather ather Indifferent success It was good music It was a good day a good gool crowd and a good celebration Miss 1 Mary Ashby and her friend Miss lIss Hulda Johnson both of Maeser l ward are visiting with Miss Ashbys Ashby's sister Ister Mr Jim Murray They are en themselves well with this part of ot the the basin Mr Murray has a crop of hay and grain that Is of the best he has to prove rove that properly cultivated crops pay better than others not so well taken aken care of He finds Marquis wheat with which he Is experImentIng experiment experiment- Ing ng a very promising promising- variety it elds heavy peavy Is hardy and Is maturing two wo weeks earlier than others planted plant plant- ed d with it ft Q Hs Hs Hs Hs f. f i i MT IT E EMMONS DIONS H H Hs H Hs H Hs H K Hs Hs Some one said we were asleep on the he twenty That someone didn't have havo his eyes very wide open at t Altonah on the memorable day The Tho writer knows one person who started to tabulate those of us present pres pres- out ent nt at their celebration but he be found too oo many present doing our share to tomake tomake make their efforts successful I The community at large j I 1 f congratulate Mr 1 Shirley Daniels and wish him and Mrs Daniels nie Miss Milda MUda Pearson all Joy and success In life Ufe They two were united In wedlock wedlock wedlock wed wed- lock at Duchesne on Saturday last Miss Edith Pearson of Boneta visited ted with her uncle Andrew Pearson on Friday last Mr Joseph Wall and family are ate nicely located at their new home on the forty-acre forty farm which they recently recently re ra purchased of Mr J. J L. L Ma- Ma haffey Mr Mahaffey and family have moved to an Indian lease Just east of their former home borne and are makIng making making mak mak- ing preparations for the building of ofa a new home soon Three threshers possibly four belonging belonging belonging be be- longing on un on tho the bench will handle our grain crop this year They are the St machine a new one brought In Iq last year The government machine machine machine ma ma- chine bought for Cor the Indians recently recently recent recent- recent recent- ly the possible Boneta machine left here after atter last years year's work was was' finIshed finished finished fin fin- and a new NIcols Shepherd horse power Just purchased by several farmers on the bench They are J. J L. L Mahaffey Chester Hartman Hartman Hartman Hart- Hart man Dan and Joe Powell Roy Thacker and Ed Crosby Mr Andrew J. J of Murray Utah visited with the family of Mr M. M M M. on the morning of the twenty- twenty fourth He came from Roosevelt I that morning with Mr Peter Anderson Ander Ander- son with whom he visited while In Inthe Inthe inthe the basin Mr Dir Peter Anderson with help of assistants Is d doing some carpenter work at the mill I There are some gardens and potato patches In town of which the owners are very proud and Inspection by any anyone one will prove that they have havea a right to be If It there are any better better better bet bet- ter gardens and potato patches In Inthe Inthe inthe the county we will have to be shown r 0 o i f x iF E t f i l MOUNTAIN HOME HOMEK K F 1 r E i ih Mrs Joseph and daughter Irene are are- visiting with friends and relatives In town Mr B. B J. J L. L Dart was a visitor dur- dur ing the week Brick Is being made for the new school house to be built here Though |