Show NOW IS THE TIME FOR ACTION IF WE WOULD WIN The message of Marshal Joffre to the United States is one of or exceeding significance H Ii I s us that the thereat I great reat problem w i o to meet is the problem of or time France is not now exhausted and will never surrender willingly but she has already reached reach reach- ed the absolute maximum of or the efforts efforts ef ef- forts torts of or which she is capable More she cannot do More Wore men there are not not to be had More material cannot be pro produced This maximum of or effort ef ef- effort fort fort sho she cannot maintain without limit of or time Ume In the nature of ot things there must be some some time lime an as ind nd d to It IL England too Is dangerous dangerously E ly y nearing a deficiency of or supplies of f f. f 1 food o l and her facilities for tor ocean transportation are being steadily diminished by the That England can be starved seems hardly hardly hard hard- ly 1 credible but France and Italy are dependent upon England for coal iron food rood and manufactured articles and nd it is 18 becoming more and more difficult for England to keep in motion motion motion mo mo- mo- mo tion that continuous stream of supplies supplies supplies sup sup- plies upon which the prosecution of z the war depends de The submarine I I danger clanger is as yet contingent but if something g is not done to meet it it will in time become become positive At the first it was supposed that the element of or time would be entirely entire entire- ly Iy and solely in favor of or the allies and that the longer the war went wenton wenton wenton on on the more certain would be 00 their victory the more it was prolonged the tho greater would become the exhaustion ex ex- ex- ex of Germany and the more moro definitive would bo be that victory when it came canic Ind Indeed d a 0 good many allied statesmen declared publicly that time alone would give the allies ames the vict victory ry It is by no means clear that these prophets may may not prove right Probably Probably ably Germany is in very great straits for food and supplies Her lIer population population population tion already have suffered a good deal dea dea and will in all aU probability be compelled to suffer Buffer more but they will be nerved to it by the knowledge that France li ranee and England are also suffering and that in the neutral states state the economic crisis has by byno no means means- freed them from anxiety Time has lias fought rought alre already dy for tor the al allies I al-i lies Hes time has been vouchsafed the allies to create military machines equal in efficiency to that of or German Germany Germany Ger Ger- man many but if it the end of the tho war is isto isto is' is isto to depend upon the race between the theames allies ames and Germany as to which shall collapse first it tt is hardly wise for tor us to sit passively by and see how bow It will wm turn out r We must do something positive I and we must do It promptly Eug Eng land and France are looking to us to supply ships grow food make clothes shoes and munitions We Weare Weare are areto to raise an army we wo must build a a. merchant marine Of or the power of this country to perform all this and more there cannot be the slightest slight slight- est question It can be done What hat Is la more it Is going to be bo done But what Joffre comes to tell us is that we cannot take our time about it It- It that W we cannot deal eal with this job from the point of view of of or convenience convenience conven conven- In prod production We have been a not too efficient people people to l to put it mildly We have haven n not t been fond of a correlation of effort effort ef ef- fort rort nor of dictation from Crom above and we wo have therefore consumed more time in building bunding battleships in making guns and In creating armies than any other nation in the world There Thero has never been before any real pressure on this country to compel us to hurry Today the Germans are areso areto re rebO to so far of off there are so many mighty good fighters between us and them the English and French rench are so powerful powerful powerful pow pow- erful they have held out so long and they seem to be hitting the Germans Germans Germans Ger Ger- mans so hard at present that the majority majority majority ma ma- of the people in this country countr are arc only too likely to assume that we have plenty of time But Dut tha that is precisely the thing upon which we we cannot depend It seems almost beyond the range of possibilities that we shall not have time to do our bit and make it count for the victory which We we all wish to achieve but there must be no hesitation and no del delay y There must be a general acceptance of or direction from the federal government lUg Hig and go- go you please please ou are not good generals but we have commonly served under them and even if we should believe ve that the commands Issued from Washington are not entirely In consonance with divine wisdom wisdom and and there are many people who feel teel they know almost more about it than divinity Itself It Itself it itis is still essential that we should d do as we are told do It quickly and do it now Tomorrow may be too too late Next month will hardly do at at all an One n not of ot the gr greatest generals administrators tors tor and organizers that ever lever lived in thus this tl s world Napoleon Bonaparte used to say frequently Time is ev ev- ev- ev There never r was a moment moment mo mo- moment ment in this country's countr's history when that was more true |