Show ASHLEY I Y NATIONAL FOREST AND TInt Tin PU PUBLIC SCHOOLS The forest t service service has prepared for loan to schools libraries and other educational institutions sets of sixty-four sixty samples pf of commercially wood of the united States together with maps showing the regIon region region reg reg- ion In which each species grows short statements of their principal uses and physical characteristics charts charls and tal es showing forest products b by states slates and maps fo the th natural forest rarest of North America and the National forests This Tills entire exhibit occupies a space about four feet high by thirteen long This Is gotten up for the use of public schools and libraries weighs about 27 pounds and it will willbe willbe willbe be thrashed to public schools and nd libraries upon application to the Forest Supervisor or It should however however however how how- ever be borne In mind that there is only ono one exhibit of this kind klud In distrct dis- dis trot 4 and it will b be first where the tho demand is the most intensive intensive sive Applications however will be filed mod Immediately and the demand for tor the tho exhibit will be bo supplied as soon Boon as possible le WM 1 M. M ANDERSON I l Forest orest Supervisor I f 5 V J 1 |