Show h UINTA H BASIN ASIN CORRESPONDENCE VERNAL VERSAL x cl 4 There Thare has bas been a navy recruiting officer in town for tot a few Cew days H He enIl enlisted ted quite a n few Tew boys for tor the h na navy Vernal going is to have ha n a big c cele celebration h bration on the of af July Those ou the committee are Loudon Rich and Cannon They have bave contracted contracted con con- with Mr C C. W W. Showalter to tomake tomake tomake make a n balloon ascension The Ladles Ladies Episco Episcopal ll Guild mad I Ia a nice sum of at money out of at the pic plc- ture turc From the Manager to the tho Cross which was M shown at the tho Vernal Orpheus Orpheus Or Or- heus list last Friday night The house was packed full for tor two shows Rev Mr and Mrs Twelve and Miss Gilchrist left lett Saturday morning last to drive to Salt satt Lake to I attend tho the annual convocation of af tho the Episcopal Church of Utah Vernal was dead to the world last Tuesday Registration day Not eves even the drug drag store was open The Tho day was heralded by the firing of at guns at daybreak followed fallowed by patriotic mu- mu alc During the day hundreds of af Americas best registered at the various registration offices In the evening a a. large free tree dance was given by the Commercial club Last Thursday evening an auto drove Into the rear end of at a buggy on Main street and did quite a little damage Nobody was hurt fortun fortun- tely Dr and Mrs Beavers avers of af Myton visited with Ith Mr and Mrs firs Harry N Ne son eon for a a. few days There Is 18 s a possibility possibility pos pas of af Dr and ana Mrs Beavers making making mak mak- ing Venial Vennal their home hame soon We e hope hape 60 The quarterly conference of the stake was held at the Ta Tabernacle Taber- Taber nacle last Saturday y and Sunday A large e number or of or people attended The Tho pupils recital l given by Prof W. W H. H Hanson at the First ward meeting house last Monday evening was a great reat success The Tho house was waa full of oC music lovers who came to hear good music well weIl rendered and they did not go away dissatisfied Prof Prat Hanson Is to be congratulated I on th the suc success S 'S of the evening The pupils showed careful and systematic training A marriage license was wa Issued to Miss Mfg Miller and Henry or of The wedding dinner was given at the Cottage hotel The TheO I good O d wishes of af the Myton Free Press I ROCS goes with the happy couple There are three secret service men In town but nobody se seems scorns to know who ho thy arc are This Is very troublesome trouble trouble- troublesome some to a few tew There Is every Indication of ot a large fruit crop crap th this S year It Is said that never before have h ave the trees shown hawn such promise The apricots are already al 11 ready Toady and the trees are Just loaded with them Colonel Shanks of at Myton has been In our midst for tor a a. few days He Ho says that My Myths Myton ton Is booming Mr Wallis of at the Vernal Express has been to Salt Lake for a week He expects to bring his family back with him when he returns Vernal has been enjoying beautiful ful fut weather for the tho last week We hone bone It will wUl last a a. week wook longer The Wilcox Academy finished the most successful succo stul school year In Its history history his his- tory last Friday Most Mast of f the teachers teach teach- ers ere left for tor Salt Lake on Saturday a 11 few fe of or them will win return next fall taU Miss Mies Cragun who won the Herald- Herald Republican third capital prize wishes wish es to thank the Free Press and its readers for far the substantial assistance they gave her during the contest Grandma Weeks Is quite sick at this writing She is suffering from tram hardening of the muscles 0 04 4 4 I RK Ml Miss s Murl and Johnlo Johnle Carroll Carrell both of af this vicinity were joined in the holy bonds of ar matrimony matrImony matrimony matri matrI- mony last Friday at Duchesne They will give their wedding dance Monday Monday Monday Mon Mon- day evening at the tho Rock Rack school schaal house Everyone invited This young couple couple cou- cou plo is well cn known and the whole community Joins in wishing them along n a long lang happy ute life on the matrimonial sea Mrs Edith Mathews lias has returned home after arter a months month's visit at the sheep camp amp She reports the sheep doing fine and the lambs over per cent Mr Oley is fencing his farm he purchased of ar J. J M. M Pitt The st storm rm that has prevailed over aver this section the tho past mo month th seems to I have haye settled and the crops are looking look ing lug fine e o evening a large crowd of at people gathered at the tho home of or C. C W. W Smith In n honor honar ot of their son Tracy Tricy J. J Smith who leaves Thursday morning for tor the U. U S. S navy at San Francisco Mr Smith is 18 ono one of at our aur most highly respected young aung people His presence among us willbe will wUl wille be e missed as he always took an active active ac ac- tive five part with us but we feel to en encourage encourage courage him as he has gone gono for our country's cause Music and games were enjoyed by all after which refreshments refreshments refreshments re re- were served The house was decorated for the occasion occasion- A purse of at was presented to the young man b s ALTONAH J Mr Abe Abo Lyons of af Mountain Homo Home was a visitor during the week Mr and Mrs Wilcox are living in Mr Air Heber Carrols Carrol's town house I Mrs J. J R. R Gunderson is with us again She recently returned from tram Helper where she spent the winter I Lee e Bryner left town a short time ago and where he went oot was not nat known Lately it was learned that he went to Idaho and shortly after arriving there he volunteered ed for fat service in n the U. U S. S army Hurrah for tor Lee t I Mr and Mrs and family arc are living in town now The They aro are located located I ed in tho the house lately occupied by thera the tho ra family of Mr r. r John Jahn Clyde I Mrs Will Alexander has a little littleboy littleboy littleboy boy afflicted with a sore hand and eye eje She started with him for a doctor doctor doctor doc doc- tor in a distant town tawn and then learned learn learn- ed that we had one in town Dr Ship I to whom she took him The Tho doctor attended to the boys boy's trouble and Its It's It Itis itis s 's is now said that he Is getting on nice nice- ly Kenneth Davis who has been away for far some time has at last come back to live with us He has hag been living in Salt Lake City Dick Bosanko an efficient representative representative of the L. L A. A WatkIns Merchandise Mer Mer- chandise company of at Denver was In town the other ather day He Is making arran arrangements for the furnishing of the Caldwell Alexander Meat market with adequate and up to date furni ture A meeting of the b baseball club of ot the town tawn was held last Saturday night at nt which an organization was wae perfect perfect- ed It was also 1180 decided that the game M Sunday last be the last oneto one oneto I to be played on an the Sabbath This Is Isa isa isa a commendable step In the right direction direction direction di di- and the members of the club I Imay may feel Ceel assured that tho the better element element ele ele- I ment of af the community those tho the good will of or whom wham Is worth while 1 applaud them in it The game above referred to was played at Mt lit Emmons Em Era mons and the Altonah club met defeat defeat defeat de de- feat at the hands of the ball i of that town b by a a. score of ot 5 to lo 0 O. t The community is going to have a a. newspaper of or its own Mr Dubendorff Dubendorff Dubendorff Duben- Duben dorff as stated in the past will commence commence commence com com- I mence its publication on the 22 The young editor is welcome to our midst and we are all Impatient to show our appreciation of the acquisition made by the support we will give him To feel the tho spirit of the young man assures assures as as- on one that he is of af the tho right character to make a success of at his hie work wark and that ho he will wUl make a clean cut periodical which will wUl ever be he a power lower for tar good to the boosting of the best jest interests of ar tho town and surrounding surrounding sur rounding country Personally the writer feels fe-els elated in having such uman a u aman man as a a. co booster of the town that thatis is I it if the public will let iet him presume to such an honored distinction and he derives much satisfaction out aut of aC the realization that he has lias such an efficient one as a rival for if It he can It will be e a a. pleasure to do so BO as well as Mr Dubendorff can if not a n. little little little lit lit- tle better The paper will be printed print ed cd on an the press formerly owned by bythe bythe the Reservation News but will go under under under un un- un- un der a new name It will be bo a four tour page issue for tar the first three months when If expectations are ate realized realized re re- re-I re it Jt will be bo increased to eight I pages Mr Dubendorff even hopes to become a arival rival of or tho the Free Press efficiency as a it servant of or the public and in is scope of country served Go GJ after it young youn man we wo wish you success and would say that all the th world is yours If you will but with faith believe it when disaster stares you In the face tace and will keep striving ing on an like even the tho warrior in the thick of at the fight when smoke obscures obscures ob ab ob- ob the view din kills the hearing and confusion hinders the brain In lU Inaction action fights on an knowl knowing 1 that just beyond shines the glorious ms sun of af victory because victory ever will wUl smile on all aU such with effulgent ray when the cause Is s just H. H C. C Stone the Vernal photographer photographer photographer pher will be in Altonah and the surrounding surrounding surrounding sur sur- rounding country about June 12 for far three or four days Mr Stone Slone takes excellent pictures and this will be a good chan chance e to get a a. likeness of at the tho children or a picture of f the farm o 0 ot o to t MOUNTAIN nOME HOME I I. I A brief pleasant visit at Roosevelt was made by Mr Wren Ew Ewell ll and his daughter Chloo Chloe d during the week It Is a pleasure to report the favor favor tavor or able recovery of Ferry Allred from the harm he experienced when binding binding bind bind- ing a load of af hay some time ago Mr John Jahn Rowley Rawley Is out aut and around town tawn again having recovered nicely from from thet that hunder hander shock of at last week week- His Ills teams have arrived ed with the store storo stock and he has c commenced a most thriving mercantile business Two agents of ot the Glass Casket company of at Los Angeles are meeting with favorable results in disposing of ar stock In the firm A large number ot of people here bore are subscribing for tor It Memorial day was generally observed observed ob ob- ob- ob served as a holiday The cemetery was nicely cleaned up and the grav graves fittingly with flowers wreaths and green boughs Some beautiful flowers were received from friends outside the basin who kindly kindly kindly kind kind- ly remember those who were once dear In life and now linger Unger a pleasant memory because of at the noble lives lives' so fully d with kindly deeds Y o 0 t 4 of- of MT EMMONS 4 to 4 Welcome to our midst are Miss Lois Bennion and the tho Misses Lewis Rowena Rawena Edna and Minnie Miss Rowena Rowena Rowena Ro- Ro wena has been boon teaching school In I Redcap through the winter Miss Mies Bennion Dennion MIss Misa Edna and Miss Minnie Lewis have been attending school Tho first mentioned at Provo the later later later lat lat- er two at Roosevelt Miss Edna Lewis having finished the high school cour course will go to Provo to attend summer school schaal Mr Jesso L. L Smith has finished finis th the thu planting of af his two north narth forties also al also al- al so salone one of or the two on the south BOUth sid aide sidor of or the road adjoining the two above named Edward Crosb Crosby has practically finished tho the cleaning of ot two hundred acres of af Indian land which he toa took ps as a lea lease e a year ago He has cropped croPPed croPP- croPP cropp cropp- ed s seventy five five acres to wheat Miss Leona Gagon Gagan was a a. week en end visitor of or Sunday last She was a h guest at the home hame of Bishop Owen Bennion Mt 1 Emmons was represented a at officers officer's co convention held at Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose Roose- velt last Saturday A thrilling ball game was play playon played on Sunday last between Mt Emmons and Baseball fans tans from al altho aUthe aU all the tho surrounding towns were in attendance at attendance attendance In large numbers rooting for tor their respective favorite Local Loca boys won wan the game by a score o or of 5 to 0 O. This will be our la last t Sunday game ANTELOPE r 00 oJ Agnes Tucker has gone gane to Du Du- Du- Du chesne che Bessie and Emily McCourt made a It visit lt home homo this week and returned returnee to Duch Duchesne e where they are both employed Mr Fred A. A Musser of at My Myton ton was an Antelope visitor Sunday In the tho interests of church work wark As far as Antelope Is can concerned the Indian land sale was very success success- ful fut Only one allotment was left un un- sold The Tho buyers of f those sold eold made madeno no mistake In their choice of at a com com- Although we do a not know for what purpose the buyers Intend to use uso their thel purchases purchaser we hope they are aro for Cor homes hames not speculation Mrs Wm Hamilton Jr Is IB visiting her parents in Neola Nine persons were registered In ac acc the conscription law last Tuesday A patriotic program was given In the evening followed by bya a dance danco Antelope people are each and everyone zealous patriots t 4 REDCAP a 44 Max and his son Reed left during the week for Tooele He Ho He a i expects to return In the near future with his family They Intend making their home on the flat Oat Mrs McCurdy left for far her home inVernal InVernal In InVernal Vernal Saturday after spending three weeks with her daughter d. Mrs Mm Aimed Ai Al med media ia Bird e Iva Corrall has gone to Vernal where she will BJ spend end the summer with ith her brother Frank C. C W. W Smith of was vIsitIng visitIng visiting visit- visit Ing the branch Sunday He gave us some very good Instructions and advise Emery and Gem Neilson NeUron were visitors tors tars at the county seat during the week There will wUl be a dance given In tho the Redcap school house Tuesday June 5 for tor the benefit of at the band Everybody Everybody Ev invited and a good time as as- D. D W. W Smith ad son Richard of at Heber are again located on the fiat flat and are aro planting a large acreage of food stuffs Warm days and sunshine is what we wo need now naw to make mako the cro crops grow Many farmers on an the flat Oat are aro plant ing ng two or three acres of at beans and the Burns Dums Van Neada Stiff company are arc planting eight hundred pounds pound Wo Ve Intend to help food teed the tho navy boys 0 o ot d' NEOLA f I 1 I to 1 t i I Neola is still sun on the map and glistening glistening glistening glist glist- ening in the sun That Is glistening In n what little sunshine there Is 18 It all aU comes this way It n looks look ns though we nerd neM a litlo lit lit- tie lo more rain any way it will come n It t Is 19 glorious the farmers are nil 1111 laughing way down in their shoes shoos not boots hoots because th they y have not started to wear boots yet It Is not irrigating time Some few tew of ot the Neola citizens attended attended at at- tended the conventions at Roosevelt Saturday June 2 1917 Last Wednesday the Beehive Girls GIrl I planted a garden and expect t to be t I producers along with the rest of the farmers I Mr I. I N. N Workman |