Show VERNAL VERNAlIS IS SATISFIED SA WITH ITH ROAD DECISION State Hond Commission lon Decides Ies Co Conf ConI Con Con- tow ttO in havoc I 1 Ii i 01 or of Both laiN Im f I ties ties Price Price Route Houte to toG G Got Get t Largest Slice I r- r re C In e first meeting after U the Road commission returned i isalt to salt gait Lake City the question a as I to whether the Price Price-Myton ton or the Dr Du- Du 4 Helper road should be ed ad ednas was nas settled The decision of th the State Road commission was that bot both roads Toads should bet het aken ake care of or h by th the tate state The attitude of the stae upu upon he question was tersely stated in th the by Governor Dam Bamberg Bamberger r a as ab follows Were going to build both roads road The state cant can't lose by putting money into the Uintah district I It ItIs Is a great empire Our otter offer is a ot course contingent upon the willing willingness UC ness S of the county and the federal government to operate co-operate financially in the usual wa way war I have absolutely no financial interests Interests Interests In In- in that region but I have unlimited unlimited un un- limited admiration for its wonderful resources and I believe that any aul amount of money the state may spend spent spendin in improving the transportation facilities facil tacH- hies into the basin will be amply re re- re pall pail to the state five years I It Itis Itis is an empire by Itself and aud it is a tang land landof of magnificent opportunity In a recent letter to the manager manage of or the Express State Auditor Joseph Ride Ririe conveys the Information that the state will meet all government money moner with an equal amount on the high level roads meaning the Du Du- Helper chesne and the routs but says sas Mr Ride Ririe the tho Price Myton 1 route will be the main bread and butter route State Engineer McGonagle estimated ed od that it would require approximately approximate approximate- ly to put the Price Price-Myton r in good condition State Auditor Ririe has kindly sent the Jo Express a copy o ot of his notes on the trip in which he makes some very Iery interesting observations and from rom which we cull the following The distance by rail raU from rom Salt Lake City to Price is miles distance distance distance dis dis- dis- dis tance from rom Price to Myton 77 miles Estimate of or amount of money needed to rebuild the Price road Price to mouth of Soldier canyon 2500 mouth of 01 Soldier canyon to summit summit to mouth of Gate canyon up Gate canyon to summit from Gate canyon r to My Myton ton total 36 26 The distance from Myton vl via Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- chesne to Helper is 74 miles and from Duchesne to Helper 52 mu miles s. s The summit at the head of Soldier Sold Sold- ier ler canyon has an elevation of feet teet and the summit at the head of Indian canyon is feet the latter lat t ter r being about 1800 feet higher than Soldier summit From the figures given out as 0 official official of of- and authentic Price Is miles distant from Vernal Salt SaU Lake City via Price is miles from Vernal Salt Lake Cil City via Duchesne and Helper Yelper is about miles The most that be he said for either the Price or Helper roads Is that they are freight roads the same as the Uintah railroad is to Vernal with will difference that the Uintah line connecting link with the D. D Rs R R. Rio oi e a iris Is s of ot more value to the Uintah li bain a. a ru in than Path Doth the Helper and Price roads combined Of ot course there is passenger traffic ov over r all these roads particularly the Uintah railway auto line One fact tact however should be recognized and that is that the more roads we have the better hette off oft we are It Ik is really better to have a mile road to Salt Sail Lake CIl City vi via Price than to have none at all aU We consider the decision to keep both roads the Price and Helper roads In repair a wise one and to tobe toe tobe be e candid we have to admit that It 1 Its Is s a better hetter decision than we expected expect expect- od ed when the State Road commission was vasK in Vernal Venial Vernal Express |