Show V- V 2 2 I STRAWBERRY RY I Il l T Tle Pope brothers c J Q Cecil x jJ and andy hy y were here l last st Saturday sur- sur surveying 1 the school lot and nd th the now ri new townsite townsite of Strawberry t tYes Yes Yes Strawberry has a townsite town- town site laid out and submitted toU to U the county fathers for their ap- ap ap ap- fOVal ll n I I. I R. R Baum one of of- o our r prominent J and progressive sive citizens citizens citi citi- l zens spent last week over the I mountain visiting lIeber and and Paik P rk City and transacting business busi busi- j mess less ness in connection with his interest interest inter inter- est in Wasatch valley vaHey I. I Steps arc are being taken to make e ebrIck brick Wick and bum lime on on a large basis sis her here No place in the basin basin ba ba- 1 I sin sin offers better bettel advantages in iii I either her industry as we ha have e an ail h hI I a abundance of fine good c clay y much sand and woo wood to burn 4 Send in your orders I Mr Mr I Geo Wai die and his ills I off J of of noff n sed way to Currant creek f Broadbent ranch to shear a apart apart apart part of the seasons wool crop Trees l are arriving and many young orchards are being started start start- i ed here this Ulis spring Mr A. A M. M Murdoch Murdock has a force of men at work on his ranch I Iru ru rushing hing the spring work Mr vIr Jl 1 Murdock has a a model ranch and andis andis andis is proving that farming properly conducted is a business in inthis inthis inthis this section I t o n |