Show v Apri Apricot Qt Pud Pudding fug Make i t as for a crust n as for apple dumplings roll out toa bia tel qu quarter a ter I-ter of an inch thickness and l lay y ona on ona ona a floured cloth Spread w with th two ind a h half lf cups of apricots that have been pared up and and allowed to stand stand one h hour ur covered covered covered cov cov- ered with one cup of sugar Roll RoB the pudding tie tic it it the thc bag and plunge into boiling water and boil evenly ford for one tl and a half hours houis For the s sauce use uses n a acup cup Clip and a half hal of I to to three- three quarters of a cup of butter creamed toge together aJl and l whip hip into it one i 1 egg egg gg Set over the tea teakettle teakettle kettle to melt when Ta e add mh a n of apri apricot cot b brandy d vand I n nutmeg l t tt t |