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Show PUTS THE "GINGER" IN. The Kind of Food Used by Athletes. A former collogo athlete, ono ot the long distance runners, began to loso his power of endurance. His experience experi-ence with n chnngo In food is interesting. interest-ing. "Whllo I was in training on tho track athletic team, my dally 'Jogs' bo-camo bo-camo a task, until after I wns put on Grope-Nuts food for two meals a day. After using tho Food for two weeks I folt llko a now man. My digestion was perfect, nerves steady and I was full of energy, "I trained for tho mllo and the halt rollo runs (tlioso events which rcqulrer bo much endurance) and then tho long dally 'Jogs,' which boforo hnd been such a task, wero cllppod oft with caso, I won both events, "Tho Drape-Nuts food put mo In perfect per-fect condition and gave mo my 'ginger.' Not only wns my physical condition mndo perfect, nnd my weight Increased, In-creased, but my mind was mndo clear nnd vigorous so thnt I could get out my studies In nbout half tho tlmo formerly for-merly required. Now most all of tho University men uso arnpo-Nut-i for they havo learned Its valuo, but I think my testimony will not bo nmlss and may porhnps help some ono to learn how tho best results can bo obtained." ob-tained." Thoro'a a reason for tho effect of Qrapo-Nuts food on tho human body nnd brain. Tho certain eloments in wheat and bnrloy aro soiected with special reference to their power for rebuilding re-building tho brnln nnd norvo centres. Tho product Is thjn carefully and scientifically prepared so ns to mnko it oasy of digestion. Tho physical nnd mental results nro so npparect nftor two or threo week's iiso as to produce a profound Impression. Head "The Iload to Wellvllic," In pkgs. "There's a reason." |