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Show I SAILORS CAST I UPONJLEAK ISLE H Four of the Crew of an American H Bark Perish and Others Endure H Horrible Sufferings. H Boat Built From Wreckage l Uied B to Seek Assistance For Suffering H Men Marooned on Island In H "the Land of Fire." M New Vork. The story of tlio wreck H, of thu American bark 1'russla, on i bleak Staten Islnnd, Terra del Fucgo, M 'tho land or lire," Is a thrilling one. H Six of thu crow linvu been landed hero fl by tho steamer from Montevideo. Four H perished and three nru In a hospital M at I'untas Arenas. Tlio Prussia was H owned In San Francisco and sallod M from Norfolk, Va .Mnrch 27, with a H cargo of coal for San Francisco. On M tho night of Juno 19, which was H stormy and bltteily cold, whllo Cap- H tain Johnson was' trying to mako tho H Now Year's Island light, the bark vent Hi nshore and soon broke up. Klovcn ot Hj tho thirteen men in tho crew sue- Ht ecedod In reaching a strip of sand, Hi sheltered Eomowhat by overhanging H& rocks. At dawn it wns discovered Hf tnat Sabata, tho Japancso cook, and Hv Hurry Hammond, n sailor, woro miss- H Ing. Tho strip of snml was narrow M and hugo cliffs barred and escapa H across tlio Island. RH Captain Johnson soon died of ex if! hnustion and was burled In tho Band. By Tho survivors had a fow provisions and subsisted off these. Meantlmo a boat was laboriously built from tho wreckage. But fear that tho provls- ions would not last led to two of tho men, S. I'rothln and Joseph Hostcth, trying to work across tho mountains V to obtulu help. I'rothln crawled back a few days later with his hands and jI feet badly frozen. Hostcth, ho re ported, had died from tho cold. Tho V'1 food gavo out and tho men lived on J shell fish. Eventually, nftor much danger, Mate John Hunter, Carpenter J Carl Stark and Seaman Hclno reached I New York's Island, In tho frail boat, a distance ot thirty miles. Llouten- J ant Del dado, in charge ot tho light J houso thoro, rescued tho suffering men Dn Statcn Island after much peril and J delay. They wero kindly nursed at the light houso and then taken to l'unta Arenas. |