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Show A. D. TODIN, Furniture House Now and Second Hand Furnlturo Ilought, Sold nnd Exchanged. Agents for Homo Comfort Rnngea and Supplies M West First South 8ALT UKB CITY Phones. Ind. 7C3 Boll 1287K (Mention this papor.) EVERYTHING " In the RubberGoods line Fresh Stock. All goods guaranteed. Send us your mall orders. ELITE DRUG CO, 338 Main 8t, Salt Lake City, Utah. 8 FARM LOANS. (ft MILLER A. VIELE tf f) 303 McCernlck Utilldlns. () SALT LAKE CITY () if f Hell 'Phone 797, O 4 If you want to borrow jj W money on your farm, long- W i tlmo, easy terms, Hboral op- () ft tlonB, drop us n line O o o 4 "-TOTr "4 EAST VIA This Includes tho famous OVERLAND LIMITED and tho now LOS ANQELE3 CHICAGO LIMITED Strictly Twentieth Century, Vcstl-buled, Vcstl-buled, Electric Lighted Steam Heated Heat-ed Trains operating Pullman Palace Bleopori; Incomparable Observation Library and Dining Cars ot tho very Utost manufacture. ONLY 2 HOURS, SALT LAKH TO CHICAGO. City Ticket Office. 201 Main St. SALT I.AKE CITY UTAH. j. mTthomab Attornty-at-Law Salt Lako City. Utah. Ofllccfl, 11 and 12 Eaglo Dloclc. Inventions pntontod. Trade marks socured direct with Washington. .; HUDDART FLORAL CO. $ $ 114-116 E. 2nd So. '$ J (Opposlto Grand Thoatro.) .Jj Cut flowers and floral work forS J nil occasions. J J- Wo niako a specialty of shipping I t funeral designs. Write , tolophonoj' ST fcor tolcgraph. . -2 S S J Phonos IOC. P. O. Box 4 43. -J s :? CUTLER BROS. CO. Knit Undorwear and Woolon Goods. Best pants on earth, to ordor, $3.G0. 36 Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. DON'T MISS THE LARQE ITO- J! MOBILE J; Ktliat runs to nil points ot Intorest.Jj' k-wlth a good guldo. Faro $1.00. i k 'Seeing Salt Lnko" Car and Autos., g t 40 H 2nd So. 2 ja'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaXiaaaa E. H. EARDLEY & BROS., Everything ELECTRICAL. CI Market SL Both Phones ) PETERsbN'SDETECTIVE SERVICE COMPANY, 328-329 D. F. Walker Bldg, Salt Lake City, Utah. Wo nro prepared to undortako nil proper detective buslnoss Intruuted to us for corporations and Individuals. Consultation and ndvlco freo. Call or write. "Phonos: Ind. 3988, Boll 131G-Y Wo wnnt threo good, capable, detectives. detec-tives. Wrlto for partlculnrs. WASH IT AWAY. Load and uremic poisoning cured. Cattllla Hot Sprlnat Water does tho work. IUieumatlsm vanishes nt Its touch. For raten apply to C. II. Southworth, Manager, Itoom 222 I Commercial Club building, Salt Lnko City R R. A. HASBROUCK, & Phyololsn and Surgeon, $ Offle. 0 Commercial Block. J K Salt Lake City, Utah. 3 J- 'Phones 1412-Z and HIJ-IC HAA'AWAAAWAAA'A-A'aiMA-AMVAr iim. Grand Prize, Paris, 1900; Double I wj Vv SoIul C0UPn below, 'filled' out, to JBaflflnsW 0r ncarost dealor or tb us nnd get f flllllf our Vrcc Trml ad Easy Payment Of- M M M M M I MW-. ter t0 rcflPon8lblo parties anywhere I m MmMMi I VBrv '" t0 UnltcJ States. Don't dolay. I m If BflfiBrK . This Is your opportunity to sccuro nb- I mMmm solutcly tho host Tnlklng Machine I fj (7, i 'M inndo, on payments thnt will not bo j BB5 ti f0" Wo accont oltl machines In part f BBBBssaBMBBi Jy payment. A written guarantco from MpMnpHn t,;o o'dost, largest nnd most success- I H f ! !J I ll U 1 1 ll i ril '"' 'nanufneturors of Tnlklng Ma- LMlLUKUMUt. chines In tho ontlro world. BBBBBBJBMBBb Columbia Phonograph Co., Cen'l. M II I Columbia rhonoirrnph Com- n, " nany, (lenornl S17-S9 a Main 8t, Salt "nmo Lnko City, Utah. l'louiie send ma your I'roo Trial nnd Street and No ., ,,,,, i:asy l'aymcnt orfcr with tlluitrated literature lit-erature city state t Manufacturers and Dealers In TEAM, DUGQY AND EXPFtSES HARNESS. EtUblUhed 1887 The OKeit Electric Supply Houte In the Sttle. E. G. HOLDING ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION MOTORS. CHANDELIERS. CtODES AND SHADES 33 W. FlrtST SOUTH STREET 5 SALT LAKE CITV, UTAH im ii ism i in ii mmamrnmmmmmmmtmmmn m m iiiwiii - miii If you need anything in Pure Wines or Liqiors, mail us your wants. . . . We will do tke rest. bVJbbVAbHHHbVBbvBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI MVLVEY a CO. 14-16 East First South Street 5 Suit Lake City, Utah a clean mmsm mouth.: mBP ....IS AN ATTRACTION EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE OUR PRICES. A Bet ot Teeth, comfortable to wear, natural In appearance, restoros lost expression $1.00 A Gold Crown, mad of tho Try best gold, wlU not coma off, or wear out $4.00 to 6.M Brtdgo Work, the) kind that lasts, mado of the best gold, will not break and fully guaranteed $4.00 to $LM Gold Fillings, absolutely pure told, and guaranteed not to come out 11-59 and my Alloy Fillings, tho next beat fillings to pare gold and guaranteed 1 to prosorre tho teeth from further decay T6o to L00 1 Bllver Fillings, guaranteed not to come out COo and up 1 If YOUR, teoth are crooked, decayed or broken the ELECTRO I DENTAL CO. can remedy the defect and do it perfeotly. They hare I throe doctors each an expert in bl branch. ELECXRO DENTAL CO. DRS. WARD AND EDGE, I Open dally until 8 P. M. 8undy 10 to S I 176 State Street Rooms 14-18-18 Qalena Block. Ind. Phone 2099 I AAAAniAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKWKKKK.r.KKKKKKn'.KKKK- t"5 ' iji For a. Nice Room ir a First-class Hotel Jf t :? go to the tv g? New Southern Hotel. v'x ..; .i Hot nnd cold running water and steam heat, electric lights nndkS J. -2 boll service In over' room. Itooms under direct charge of Mrs. Cand- inland. Hotel centrally locatod nt $ UNO 144 WEST FIRST SOUTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH.' fevj P. H. CANDLAND. tt I kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkym.kkkkkkkkkkktt Va'aMaM'a'a'a'aWa'a'a'a'a'a'a'aVaaVa'aaaamaaaaaaaa'a'a'aaa'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'aaK Boil Phono 2767 Independent 4444 Alexander Optical Co. 230-231-232 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. Utah Eyes correctly fitted and cared for by the year. We &ro tho originators of the "years' care" system. Call and let us explain. 234 Main IU-U Honta! Pft lrnch Offlc. 47 Salt Lite City Ulal. UeiUai LU.,. Main, Logan, Utah DIU X. XniUEBIUJI, MOB. rtt BitrwUd retltlTriy WUal Ttla. Ti WlU Oi&m WmIi 0,1 tttX (b,il r4 nbkw) .. .....,..,... O.ll arownt, 11-h ...... ....... .( M M.OO Brldf. work, k.ii ..... ... . .t.t.ll. 80 M tl.et 0.14 fllllnff ............ ........ .........tl.49 All ttkM Clllaft .......... .... t . . ..lO, '$ Tie 13 Year Guaranty. fjSff free 5ss ijrrryi BBINQ Xmfl AD WITxi YOO i.iJSWIsjj)jujiiw KKK.KKKKKKMK, ffifrvKffnrKmvfvvrKKKKr. ''aaaAaAaaaaaaaaaaaxaaa aaa'a'a'a'aaaa'aaaa-aaaaa'aaaaaaa :2 Salt Lake's (jrcatest All Year Altractioh J.IJ I? 55 t;The SeLnitariin Baths. 5 5 Swimming Pools! Natural Hoi Sulphur Water is .j Z Turkish Bo.ths! Brought Riht to the very J.3 5 Private Baths! Heart ol the City ? S OPEN rY& NICHT. l 52-54 W. 3rdS. St, SAL"" LKE CITY. St.. Kf.KK ,K,VMK tt'A'A'AA'AAAA'A'A'AA'A'A'AA'AAAAAAt' V YAA'A'A. WA'A'AA'aHAAA'A'AAA'AA'A'A Chlropractlo Treatment wilt cure, It i new science of healing without the use of drugs. It Is In harmony with nature's laws.. Seldom Sel-dom falls; never does harm. We uto no drugs, no knives. Chiropractic Chiro-practic Is common sense. It will bear Investigation. It Is the 'nly mode of healing which exactly locates the cause of sickness and removes re-moves the same. It Is not Faith Cure, Christian 8clence, Magnetic, Osteopath, Massage, Pho'-Therapy, or anything else, but Chiropractic. Chiroprac-tic. It Is based on a cc .oct knowledge of the nerves. It adjusts all displacements and allows the Innate builder to reconstruct the broken down tissues. Call and get a 16-pago book that explains our mode of treatment. Consultation and Examination free. Lady Assistant. Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. THE CHIROPRACTIC, INSTITUTE AND CURE 64 W, 2nd So. St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Bell Phono 1232y. |