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Show FOUR PER CENT GUARANTEED Philippine Agricultural Dank Oil Passed Through House. Washington. lly n vote of 187 te G9 tbo houso on Sunday passed the sennto bill providing for tho establish tnont ot un agricultural bank In the Philippines. Tho pntsago dovelopcd diametrical ly opposlto views on tho part of the two loaders of tho minority, Mr Denrmond of Missouri, voting for the menBuro, while Mr. Wllllnms, the minority loader. stood Bqunrolj against It. Tho following Democrats voted for tho bill: Aiken, South Carolina; Caro-lina; Hankhend, Alabama: Dearmond Missouri; Howard, dcorglo: KHno Ponnpylvnnln; Legnro, South Caroll na; Ilnnsdoll, Ixmlslana, Hup pert Now York; Shorley, Kentucky; Small North Carollnn; Taylor. Alabnma; Wlloy, Alamaba. |