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Show FLOWER HOLDERS H MADE FOR EITHER THE WALL OR H THE TABLE. B They Take the Place of the Old- m Fashioned Flower Baiket and B Are Graceful and B Charming. M The most graceful nnd charming M flower holders hnvo now been placoil 1 mioii I ho mnrketH to tnko Ilic place M of the fascinating bnskcta which have HHl heen so popular that the searchers M after novelty lire eager for HotuctliliiR 1 new which mny distinguish the Horn) H docorntlqn of their rooms mul tables M from Unit to bo neon In the houses of B their acquaintances. H t'orcelaln cornucopias suspended In H a network of dried grass, rnllu or fl cord arc the newest sort of wall pock M els. The shnpo Of these hanging vnes H Ih not oxnetly Hint of a rconucopln H cither, because they slope more grnd H unlly townril tho bottom' and nre H more rounded thnn n cornucopia. 1'er- B Imp the shape Ih more nenrly that of B one of those common seashore shells, round and large nt tho lop and slop H Ing gracefully toward tho bottom. H The ware used for these hanging B vneofl Is n bright glaze and they nre H almost nil In rather crude colors, vivid H orange, equnlly vivid green, dark but H brilliant red and bright blue. The H network of brown or tun and n grass PR In which thoy nto hiing soften the H colors or tho vnsos. A loop of the 1 rnfln or cord Is used for suspending m them from n wall hook, gns arm or M somo similar suitable projection. 1 Theso hanging vnses nre susiiended B over tho tnblo where (hero is a chnn- H duller, nnd they are most decorative- iy used In this wny. They nru also liung from tho doorwaj'B nnd In the H windows, especially when there Is a B window of some size. j A dollcately beautiful vase for the H tnblo, In which for Informal occn H Dions (lowers may be effectively nr- H ranged, Is n slender silver upright, H from which brilnch out tho most grnca- H ful nnd beautiful morning glory cups, H two on one sldo nnd three on the H other. Tho cups, in tho shape or morn- H ing glories, nro of white glass witli B dollcato opalescent tints, which fitting- H Iy represent tllo pale yet radiant H tints of pink nnd bluo which flush tho H petals of n wlilto inornlnB glory. Tho B sliver upright, which la mounted on nn unobtruslvo silver vnso, la mndo H to represent a slender shrub stem, nnd , around this Is n silver morning glory Hi" vlno. which twines Itself witli nil tho H grace of nature. H, ' 'rl ucll. or cups, nro of course to Hj l,(-' mica with flowcrB, and tho silver ' upright may be joined with n delicate H v green vlqo to make n most charming B centerpiece. H Sweet peas, morning glories, lilies l' of the valley, with aspnrngus vine, Hf liny moss rosea nnd smllnx, garden : I'lul's ragged ribbons, tho delicate hot- house nnrclssuannd Innumerable other H swell nnd graceful Mowers, whose H utems nro not stiff, aro charming In M those vases. H For tnblo vases nlso thoro nro lotus H bowls, which nro useful for another HH Kurt of blossom. Theso bowls nre ImB 1uI1 ereen In color, and nro mndo of a heavy dull finish, with grayish suggos- 1 tlona in nil tho tones of green. Thoy H nro decornted with slightly raised H lotus blossoms, leaves nnd stems, nil H In, tho color of tho bowl nnd formed H Into n conventional pattern. H Tho bowls nro quito Inrgo nnd Very H low, being almost entirely opou at H tho top. A wlro stnndhnvlng convo-' H lutlons of wires to hold tho separate B flowers la placed in the center or tho bowl. Such a vaso Is suitable for H an urmngement of roses, chrysnntho- mums, Queen Marguerites or earn a H ' Thero nro also rather eccontrlc new vnses, suttablo for a child's room, but B hardly attructivo for nu ordinary H upartment. These aro In the shape H ' of frogs, fish and kittens, In whose H . open mouths tho flower's sic placed. Theso vasts nro nil In very vivid H b colors, nnd uro rather grotesque than H nttrnctlvo, although thoy uro no doubt H ' very much liked by chlldron. Thoy H would bo, very sulublo prlzo girts for H u, children's party, and olther liojs or B girls would probably bo delighted with |