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Show MONEY IS HOW FLOWING I RACK INTO THE BANKS I Runs on Treasure Vaults Have Practl- H cally Ceused and Only Troublesome H Feature Is Tendency Toward H Blockade of Domestic H Exchange. H Nitw York. Runs on the banks and trust companies nro practically over; H money, which wns tomfioinrlly with- ggj drawn from banks subject to runs, Is H Mowing to tho stronger banks and cur- H rency Is being provided In most cusa-i H whore tho demand for It Is considered B legitimate. Further engagements ot H gold by Boston nnd other points havo brought up tho total engagements M abroad under tho recent movement to H $2C,G50,000. Balances with tho clearing houso fl havo settled down to n normal condl- M tlon, but Chore Is still something of n H blockade ot domestic nxchango , H through tho unwillingness of Now M York banUB to pay currency on drafts H from other cities nnd tho unwilling- U (loss ot other cities to pay out their M currency upon drafts from Now York. M Tho condition of nffalrs Indicates n H continued pressure for currency rather M than a breakdown of credits, but re:i- B sonnblQ demands nro being mot for M regular customers of the bunks. Tho M possibility ot hastening tho export H movement ot wheat and cotton still M engages thu attention of foreign ox- jH change dcnlors, nnd also jf thoso who M endeavor to keep in touch with tho M general situation. M Doubt Is expressed whether tho sec- rotary ot tho treasury will bo ablo to M carry out on any considerable scale H thu project of thu New Orleans oxpmt- H era for accoptlug cash at government 7M fiscal agencies abroad and transfer- l ring Ib by telegraph to points In tills H country, but Secretary Cortolyou In H said to bo willing to mako such dupos- Its of public money at cotton export- H Ing points ns will to n considerable ex- tent relievo tho strain, H |