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Show PUTNAM FADKLKSS DYES produce pro-duce the brightest and fastest colors. Mre. Wtnslow'a Roottiloa; yrop Tor cbtldrta leethtos, eortf aa tbe autaa, rejoeea h SainxaaUoa.allejapela.CttreewlaaeoUu. tMaboiUe. Flso's Cure cancel be too hlthly spoken of at a cough cure. J. W. O llaitx, St3 TMrd Ave., W., aUnaeapoua, Mum., Jan. 0, 1900, Down re ot Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, ta ntercarrvlll eorelr deairoy Ibe ae&ne of imall and completely Ueraufe tbe whide a.atem wbrn catering II tbroush tbe mucoiM aorlaeaa Such arUclea aboald naver bo u.ed etcept un prticrlp-tlMia prticrlp-tlMia (rom reputable phralclana, aa ibe dtmaao ibay will du la tan Sam 10 tbn luul yeu caa p-iaalUf de- Ilre (rvm tbem. Uaire laurrb Care, niaaufacmred f y. J. Cbroer si Cu., Tuledo, o f!talne no mercury, mer-cury, and la taken Internally siting dlreetly up, a tbe Dbx4 aad mucous ur(a?ee u( Ibe eraleni, la buying Halle Laurrn Cure be tare yuti gel the Eenulne, It la taken tatentallr audniejelnloledo, ialo,byr J CbenayAOo. Icailmtiale a (res. Kkl by Droital.i.. I rlee tso per hutue. Take Haifa Karally l'l la (or ottuUpallen. 1 DOCTORS FALL IN LINE. Practicing Physicians rtcognlzt tht unlnlllnj reliability ct Doan't Kidney Pill! by Prt scribing Uisnt lor Bicktcat, KWnjy, Bladdar, tad Ur nary Olterdtrt-a Iributt woe) by no othtr Proprietary Medicine. Four cam cited from "Note! el Hit Prattice," by Dr. Ltland WlllUmjon, ol Yorklown, Ark. FosTts-MaausM Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. YoRKTOWN, ArK., Mar. 1, 1904. Gentlemen: I have been engaged in the practice oi medicine in tbU 1 lection (or ten years. This is a very sickly climate, on the Bayou Bartholomew, Bar-tholomew, near the Arkansas River. It is particularly malarious and miasmatic; wo meet with many and various abnormal conditions of tha human family, prominent among the cases in which I have been called f , upon to prescribe is kidney disease. Many of these disorders manifest themselves by pains in the back, often extending to other parts of the body; sometimes headache is present, caused by urrcmic or chronic uric acid poisoning, soreness in region of kidneys, cloudy, thickened and foul-smelling urine, discharges of pus or corruption; inflammation of the , kidneys, extending to tho bladder, is caused by excess of uric acid and decomposition of tho urine. Hemorrhage is sometimes met with, caused by high Etnto of inflammation or congestion. , , There is no class of diseases n doctor is called oftencrto treat than ' "J! the variety of kidney diseases, in many of which the patient will have n chills or rigors, followed by fever, n result of the kidneys failing to clim- inatc the uriencid poison from the system. Such cases require tho kid- nev s restored to their natural functions, then the poison and foreign sub j stances arc removed shock to the nervous system averted, and natural A health restored. I have, for soma time, been using Doan's Kidney Pills in these many manifestations and with uniform success, curing most cases. I can ' further say that even in hopeless cases where they have waited too long, f Doan's Kidney 1'ills n'ford much relief and prolong life. J can recommend recom-mend tho pills in conditions of excessive or deficient secretion of urine. ' as also in convalescence from swamp-fever and malarial attack aa verified by the following cases in my practice. - ' CASE I. CA.SC 3. ' Tiios. OatLL, Bear, Ark , age fiO. Brown Eaks, Wynne, Ark,, ago J Pain (a back for several weeks, then 21. Had severe case ol malarial j chills, irregular sometimes, severe hcemataria or swamp fever. Cava 1 rigors followed by fever. Gavegood necessary liver medicine.calomel and v purgative ot calomel and padoph, radoph, and morph.-sulph , to re-and re-and Doan't Kidney rills. After lievo pain, and ordered Doan't Tills , taking four botes of tbe pills, patient for the high state of congestion and up and enjoying good health for one inflammation of the kidneys. Roof Ro-of his age. covery resulted in two weeks. Prescribed Pre-scribed Doan's Kidney I'ilis, to be CASE 2. continued until the kidneys wero Mas. Suitii, Tarry, Ark., age 29, thoroughly strengthened and all pain mother of four children. Had female In back subsided. ' 1 complaint and kidney trouble, manifest mani-fest Ly pain In back and urine irregu- CASE 4. lar; sometimes very clear, changing Elijah Elliott, Tarry, Ark., to cloudy, and with much sediment ago 34. Tain in back and legs and oa standing In chamber. Gave local headache. Uric atid poisoning. Pro-treatment Pro-treatment for female complaint and scribed Doan's Kidney Pills. After prescribed Doan's Pills, after using taking several boxes pain subsided sis. boxes she regards berscll as urine becamo normal, or natural, cured. and patient able to resume his work. These are a few of the typical cases in vv hich I have used Doan's Kid- ncy Pills. In a great many instances I use them nlone with curative results, while with some others indicated remedies nre associated. I believe that by the judicious use of Doan's Pills many serious complications com-plications are arrested and many hopeless nnd incurable cases of Uright's disease prevented. ' I have often found that one box of the pills is all that is required to effect a cure, but in ioine cases I continue their use until all symptoms are entirely absent nnd the cure effectual and permanent. Yours truly, Afreetrlelottbls-r-at Kldnerand Mad- rf -o - '. v ' der Speclnccanbeobtainetl tyaddietalns V-. 1 -"T J9 a SJ sri . v Foaterltilbnin Co. Uultelo N. V The (jUr; &St&-q OOCCCica-y , reenter lite la 50 cents rertxix. It pot for N ealebrieurdrufiltl or dealer, irill I e sent Vootr-rnuu Atiar bi melLchaiKae erepald. on receipt ot price. iQKKluwn, ftss. Stop tho Conch nnil Work Oirtliu Colli TjaxatlroUromoUulnlneTablota Prlce25a iWiP :: ( :: Indispensable :: ' I For all aches from head to foot ' ', j St. Jacobs 0!! I I b cunttvaqueaUtUs I ,Mch lh ':'; PAINS and ACHES :: el the human family, and tj re- n 1 neve and cure thero promptly. . J I Price, 35c. and 5Go. ' J When Answering Advertisements ' Kindly Mention This Paptr. W. L. DOUGLAS 3.gS&3 SHOES W. W. Ij. Douglas yf s khorslinvoliy tnelr f wy cuellrnt stylo, j lUk casy-llttlng, untl fc, -W superior vvcarlnir ft' IKl qualities itclilov ot AfStt'wSjS IKK. tho largest salo ot WwY xB T!A nny shoos In tbo It ' wV world. llf.rS?"k, ,y They are lust a good Ufj-T.!'l as tliosaluat cosltfou tuQjttRJ.rf ' V to ?3 tho only T-ffiri ' dlffereuco Is the price. 24JH Sold Enriuhtrl. -AvA?fc' 'WwlV Look for name and WTtVN.- JfiSfo prico on bottom. Wwfafiymuf jGwM Pmlglne ttaes Corona tffl&W V4tr.jeTJ3rAi.Wi4s . oltaLln,wlilelileeYerywher roiirr.leil to lwtliA llneat rnlent 1,-nther yet priHliired. Fnit Co or iytloto vi'tt Mioa b) mall,K&.etra. Urllsforlatalof. w.L.nvaglaa,UrorktoB,Hua. , SMOKE J "NOV MOW CHSap, SUV HOW OOOO. Whltaker & Dallas, Makers sKa SEEDSSEEDSSEEDS ,t , FRESH AND RELIABLE SBNO POM OATaiOGUO. SCHWARZ &. HEINECKE t. ISCONO south ar, T.iaeHO-e sos. SALT LAKe CITY A L F A 7fAS iEED DAILCY & 8ONS 61 E Second South St. Silt Lakt City re headquartera forth beit quality Alfalfa Sevdat aUo Uras and Oanten beeds, Grain, ltajr, eto In urcil tiuilneaa 40 yrara Mall orCrm given special attention MUb Biff STANDARD PIECES. 10 COPIES ipntraM tl.OO. sens lo-dey for rat-alwsue rat-alwsue Alai won PIANnQ direct Trotn factory, dirful hafsatra In riniVUO tin- eatlnirtorou. vv rile at onrn f r ratalog ne ap, pneea. Maudo Una, (lulUra, MJrlnfe and nttlnie. THE McKANNON BROS. MUSIC OO. 3283 Woohlngton Ave, Ogclen, Utah. ' Demand the Utah Hand Made Horst rn Collar from 1 .nV COI-l'At yourd' er w It?? to tl ns- M i jE " ohlnomade) -M E you wu i never havo trouble with linmo hpj- --. 'ta r.irth. aO fTTKTk "-I'tHM "-I'tHM Q-4 BH H llahed la, "' nT-Talll I HI I8"1-lAll!i:N'eiilLssBeLy I8"1-lAll!i:N'eiilLssBeLy Cat, Free Oldeet and moat rellehle 8etd Ilouae tn Colorado, tpaelal prleea to market tardenere. The Lee Pioneer Seed Co. 1IIS-1SIT WA2K1S tTKKKT, DEMVEU, COLO. FARMERS and STOCKMEN We can eavo you middleman e sroAl by harlot oni own warbuea and reeding jarda, and aecur!n alsbaat poeat'Oe rncea for your grain a&4 etock, Hand for vur Flit I, -llouklet." Farmers' Drain and Uie Stock Commln'on Co, Old bales? Ualld.sc. CUetie, 111 MtatMtflU VV e teach tbo Harbor Trmdo ErGO In H Weeks and tnaranleo Egg LfHI poalllona. Write lor particulars W M HOLER'S BtftBCR COLLEGE, lalfti litavsaroLo Ini.iii.rai st" tiLTLaaaCill.Peajir ! CAPSICUM VASELINE rrrr rr irr it t rmit TTBti) A oUttnitaf rami 'pert TlomufcUnlar aor other pUster, and will not bliattr lha most ftellfata ikt i. Tlia pain alUytnc and curat, a qnalliietot itdi mlrla ra wondatfuL It will Up tha toetlijLch t onrt, oi Mlievt teni at h and :iiuae V rerinoind ii tha ttit and saiail ittuntl couaienrrlunt kn wn alto m an aittriul tetntdr lor pnlna In .ha etittt and ttomat h and all ihtnnutic, nruralito and foutr coueplaidia. Atrial will prova bat claim for It, and It will 1 found to ta lnalu-ablalnthari lnalu-ablalnthari uarhold Many paoploau 'it l tha bait of alt r ir praparatlooa ' File a IS caata at a I di m,iiu or other tltalan, or br andinc tb a an it to tit In roaiaciiamtt w willaan ipiiaiuhi tymalL Noartlelatheuld t accptad br tha publlo uolati tb aama tariita oui tibtl, a atberwUa Ii U not jcouloa, CMU&ritUOUGH .Mia. CO., I 17 but btraat, ) Yobi Cut. J |