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Show Cullings From Our Excnges HTOCKTONLOCAL liniKFS. W T Morarlanc visited Salt tke City last week. Minn Annie Houllcm ami mother linve gone to Kuicka. It M IMinunJn upent iwvprnl ila at the inrtropolln thl week. Minn OertruJe IrfimpBhlre la vIMtlne relative at Halt l.ake City. of late the nvather has been ildlglit-ful ildlglit-ful If It i-iiiitlnuw we'll Hn ha ilry roadu V. YV. Ombelt has movwl hit family Inli) the email rmldencc owtwd by Dr. K M Davis. The hnn of M. V. HaiUlntx wan Rlail-denel Rlail-denel lum Hatunlay by the arrival of a bounrlnK baby boy. All well. Mr CI. II. Hammond went to nureka Hatuiday and fpeiit Hunday with Ills ltcr, leturnlnit Monday afternoon. Mr HImer IVeck of I'rovo 1" now em-ioed em-ioed by thc Juno MlnlnK rnmany and will if main here for eome lime Mr. nnd Mr. J. C. He) nobis, Mrn Alex Kraier and children and Mih I'liira Iteynolds have Rone to lleavtr to lslt rvlntlven A wonderful chance occuned 111 thi optics of one of our citizen last week, whereby their color wan changed from blue In blink. The change was effected by a llstlc encounter. Mrs. V. J. Bhelton went to the capital Monday to secure the services of an oc-ullid. oc-ullid. Hhe is now undrriroliiK treatment by Dr. M. A. Hushes nnd 'tin feared she will lose thc slKht of one eye. Messm. Dibble and Patten spent Wednesday In our town In the Interests of the Salt Lake Herald. They succeeded succeed-ed In obtaining fifteen new subscribers lo that lu-wrpaper. They are "rustlers" and deserxlnit of success. Tho masquerade ball L'lven by tho si hool last frlday was a very cnjoynbla event nnd wuh largely attended. Klor ence McKarlane an an old womnn wan awarded second prlie S and Lcland I'onnor as n darkey dude uecured llrjt prize $3. After nil expenses were paid III.BO remained, which num will be devoted de-voted to thc Interests of the school. A card party wan Riven at the home of James Ilrown Thursday. February IStb. In honor of thei thirty-fourth an-nlvcwiry an-nlvcwiry of that Kentleman'n birthday The Buents numbered tcnty-flve, and nfter u seriis of ten g.uneu a most delicious de-licious repat wan served, ufter which a time wan nent with vocal mid Instrumental Instru-mental music. I'rlzen were awnrdeil to those w limine and losing the most taiiien. Mrs. V. N Oundry secured th Imllen' llmt prize nnd W. C. Iteynolds, Rentlemen'n first prize. The "booby prizes weru won by Mrs. H. M. IM-jnundn IM-jnundn nnd W. V. Mltchener. A mot jnJoyMlilejvtnlnswasjrnent liniUtill lhViraf?7tlrotCn'nin)f'nl'iV'r"l''i,- '.VtfV Davis, who Is auenim tha Brlgham Young iinlverslty.tMWto hear the oner on-er n, Prlscllla " wMMmi given by the choir of the II. YaJfrr Senntor ThnmanSmrns has Introduced Intro-duced a bill Into theU!Wd States Sen nte Increasing tho'i'ifSjoVot Mr. Frank Hoffmeyer to JJO njAnih. Mr Holt-meer Holt-meer Is a veterafTcVwtClvil war and n man who If weij)fg;ted by his fellow-citizens. - j&MfcRl,. On Sunday ejvewfth V M and V. j L. M I. A of, thCiflrn( and Stcend wards l.ild a conjowvfmeetlng In the 7'Hbcrnatle. AtpttnflsL programme wan rendered by the rnrMwis of the First ward association. TsfjpSy The City Councmy.ijt7in sjicllsi res-slon res-slon oh Saturday tnvl when It was decided to put a newior In the city pavilion and tcmhoMuKhly repair and renovate the pavlllMk'Tfor the loir.lng season's atiiunnnfntligl , Lehl, Instead dt'beWJa. city pf empty homes, Is RoInMartlrerf,everal new homes erected thlalBftiilnB'Sciison; Tlis following gentlcasWUIra each going to uulld antes rvoMsMAS Joseph Itobcrts. Dald Peteron.TJaJ? lloberts ami John B WI'llB,atsja5 Charles IarftfwM'lsuperintendlng the new line to,M'(spftructed from the power plant In 'AnAicsn Fork canyon to the pumps' nttbVead of the Jordan river, was n Lehltiisltor on Friday Work will bo, esmsjkeed this coining week on tho new 1HW4. "Itetrlbutlon, or th3lnherlted Curse," a melodrama In toirsvt. wns played Wednesday nflrrno?niid evening In the Opera-house td Ifrge and appreciative, apprecia-tive, audiences. It-wiurn financial and artistic success. The "alls a general desire de-sire that our talentHIlpm Dramatic comiiany may be seeUHgaln In the near future. ,4b. Dr. O. L. StookeyVho has been absent ab-sent for three weeVl," has returned, bringing with him 1. bride of a week Mrs. Btookey was fsfinerly Miss Anna M. Mat shall, oneMif Tooele's moat I charming society yoririg ladles. Doctor, ' the Times nnd you-rj, friends Join In wishing you nnd your new wife a Joyous Joy-ous and prosperousllHe as you Bull o'er the matrimonial ftff- T It Cutler, Jr!!jformerly miperln-ttndent miperln-ttndent of the tugarSactory at Waver, ly. Wash., arrlved'unt Monday Mr Cutler has acceptcASe position of superintendent su-perintendent with rBdaho Sugar com pany and will taksnarge of the new factory to be erecB- this summer at Sugar City, Ida. aKfCutler It the ton ' of lion. T It, CutvmJnager for tht Idah6'Sugar comitB-'and one of the most expert sugurHln the West, I On Mon'doy tVraKtheY. M. and Y I L. M. I. A, gavecMadotv ball In the Opera-house, whlbos n.greut sue-cets. sue-cets. After dandHsme tlire the ladles la-dles ucre-takei uiKtltctige, where u large curtain 'WiPHnsapd) soethal gentlemen then bid for the thndow ! which was mid to the highest bidder and entitled him to a delicious mipper which was furnished by the ladles of the associations. The ball, which caused no end of merriment, won well attended and a great success. What might have proved n xery serl- I ous stabbing affray orcuired at the I Central. tchoolhoute last Thursday Jay Smutn, who wns passing water uround the school for the purpose of mixing the pupils' paints, accidentally spilled some of the water over Klgln limit;, who Is n very quick-tempered youth, and he, having n knife In his hand at the time, inncle a lunge nt oung Smuln, sulking one of hit rib, thus preventing what might otherwise have proven a fatal blow. I)r Steele wus Immediately called and dressed the wounds, which are not considered dangerous. |