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Show C'l't p on. vtirnrtiw : -s ir- itwnys In do- sn I for II' 1-1 im! aro ns charm b an il" fti' srvlr'Mile. TMh ono novel n ' c!e ling, untirokon nes nl I It "-nt It"1' t almost unl- jr r--nlly bccomlni:, , l lie the skirt Is 7? ' lull at sides md V look A" IliUBtrat- t tt od the miturlnl Is "i'U' lawn w,,h lrlm T a m,nB of oml'ro,t1' s A cry ln11 n" mu,e uilil r'll,s ln uso 'or 4...!ii aprons aro equally (J Si siiltablo and t.o i 9 trimming enn bo ,1" 'Pw varied to suit in- ivldual tastes. Drctollea of necdlo- urk aro pretty and easily made, but hose of tho material with dainty flu- ' sh often aro preferred. Tho apron Is mado with a full length front, backs that extend to the waist lino and n full skirt. Tho skirt is Joined to a belt that. In turn. Is joined to tho backs and to tho edgos jf tho skirt. Tho quantity ot material required for tho modlum size (10 years) Is 2tt yards 30 Inches wide, with 2 yards ot embroidery and 4H yards of Insertion Inser-tion to make as Illustrated. |