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Show PREDICTS END OF CHICAGO. Prof. Orovo K. Gilbert, one of tho delegates to tho International Geographical Geo-graphical Congress, has attracted wldo attention to himself by predicting predict-ing that eventually tho city of Chicago Chi-cago will bo submerged In Lake Michigan. Mich-igan. Ho gives tho city, however, 3,600 years moro ot existence, explaining that tho lake Is only rising at tho rato of eight Inchoa each century. Prof, ailhert Is a natlvo ot Itochcstcr, N. ., nnd has been a govornmont geologist geolo-gist for nearly thirty years. His investigations in-vestigations and wrltlngB havo cm-raced cm-raced a wldo rango of subjects, but to Is best known through his studies 'n dynamic geology and physical gc-igraphy. gc-igraphy. Ho has been president of tho Amorlcan Society of Naturalists tnd ot tho Geographical Society ot America, nnd Is now president of tho 'mcrlcnrt Association for tho Advance-' Advance-' -icnt of Sclonco. |