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Show Lesson for Women. " Jersey Shore, Pa., Aug. 28th (Special) (Spe-cial) "Dodd's Kldnoy Pills hava dono worlds of good for me." That's what Mrs. C. B. Earnest ot this place has to say of tho Great American Kldnoy Remedy. "I was latd up sick," Mrs, Earnest continues, "and had not been out ot bed for five weeks. Then I began to uso Dodd's Kidney Pills nnd now I am to I can work and go to town without suffering any. I would not bo without Dodd's Kidney Pills. I havo good reason rea-son to praise them everywhere." Women who suffer should learn a lesson from this, and that lesson Is "cure tho kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills and your suffering will cense." Woman's health depends nlmost entirely en-tirely on her kidneys. Dodd's Kldnoy Pills have never yet failed to make healthy kidneys. |