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Show BERNHARDT AND MARIE LLOYD. When Music Hall Artist Was First and Sarah Only Second. Sarah Bornhnrdt lias told in her memolrH, recently published, about tho result of tho final examination at thu Paris conservatory, says tho Pitttf-burg Pitttf-burg Dispatch. Sho wns, she Bay, almost overcome, falling to recelvo oven honorable mention for her performance per-formance In tragedy and obtaining only tho second prize for hor work In comedy. Tho Mrst prize went to Mnrlo I.loyd, who afterward becamo a music hall artiste. Of her chagrin and disappointment on that occasion Mme. Bcrnhnrdt writes: "The tall girl I had pushed went forward, looking graceful nnd radiant as sho arrived on tho stage. Thero wcro a few protestations, but her beauty, hor distinction nnd her charm won the day with ovcry one, so that Mario I.Ioyd was heartily applauded. As sho passed near me sho kissed mo affectionately. Wo wero jreat friends and I liked hor very much, but I always considered her a nullity as a pupil. I do not know whether sho hnd received any prlzo tho year before, but no ono expected her to bavo tho prize. I was simply petrified with amazement. 'Second prlzo for comedy, com-edy, Mdllo. Bernhardt.' I had not hoard, but I was pushed on tho stngo, and whllo I wns bowing I could sco hundreds of Mnrlo Moyds dancing about In front of mo. Somo of thorn mado grimaces at mo; others threw kisses; somo of thorn wero fanning themselves, others wcro bowing; they woro nil very tall, all theso Mario Lloyds; thoy wero higher than tho ceilings; they walked over people's heads and they camo to mo, seizing me, stifling mo nnd crushing my honrt. My face, 1C appears, was whiter than my dress," . , |