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Show Submarines to Make Record Voyage. flVflVj Now Vork. Throo submarine boats - "HVAV of tho United Stntes navy, convoyed iHHJHj by the converted yacht Hist, started from Now York on Thursday on what 'HH Ir- said to bo tiro longest trip over HHJHB mndo by submarines In tho open sea, HHHJ Tho flotilla Includes tho Viper, Tnran- HHH tula and Cuttlefish. Their ultimate 'HVJHl destination Is not made public, but (HHHI thoy nro oxpectod to call at Delaware HHHJJ broakwatcr and Hampton Holds, after HHHJJ which thoy will proceed to some point 'tHHJHJ farther Bouth, where, In warm waters, HHHJJ they will engage In a practice dlll. -B9a9 |