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Show H Write-ups of a few of Utah's Great Camps B from the Local Papers. MARYSVALE. H A Camp with a Good H Past and Good Future H (Continued From Last Week) H Mnrysvalo Courant. 1 Tho past year has boon ono or great H vicissitudes In tho district, and though H discouraging at times, thcro has been H nothing which Bhoiilil work to tho last- H Ing Injury of the mines or their tilti- H mato valuo ns mining iiroposltons. On H tho contrary, theso bid fair In tho near H futuro to work for tho lasting bencllt B of all concerned. H J lloth tho Annlo Liurlo and tho Ho- vler mines havo panned Into tho hands f receivers. Tho former property B has been sold nnd lms passed Into tho H hands of n set of men who nro hard H at work upton u program which will, If followed with sufllclcnt tenacity, B end In placing tho mlno onco more among tho great dividend payers of H tho state. Tho latter Is still Inactive, B but tbcro are negotiations now under way which will In tho near futuro put It hack again In tho actlvo list. J Tho Annlo Laurie mill has been J turning out 100 tans a day for somo J time, nnd a consldoruhlo forco of men J nro engaged nt tho mine, not only In J stopelng out tlio ore, hut In developing tho reserves of tho mine, which aro J very heavy. Though tho flnaiiclrfi-de- prcsslon has In a mcasuro retarded 1 tho plans mapped out, thoso who are H tho best Informed aver that beforo H tho closo of 1908,, there will bo a new H mill of S0O tons capacity nt work at H tho mine, and that from that tlmo on H tho property will bo worked to Kb full- H est capacity. H - Among tho actlvo properties In tho B district may ha montloucd tho Ool- H den Treasure This property consists of twenty-ono claims, and tho com- j pany at Its back Is pdrsulng a con- H stant policy of development. Thero Is B everything to encourage this work, B and tho managament nro confident H that oven beforo tho month of Janu- H nry has passed that tlierc will bo such H V a showing of oro as will Justify n still H greater era of activity, Already oro H which has n valuo of mora than 91,000 H per ton has been encountered In tho workings of the mine, nnd though tho M quantity Is small, It in ,n Indication of whnt may bo cpttfctud when tho ( ground Is nioro fully developed. Ht Thcro nro many other properties In ' tlio neighborhood of Gold Mountain which havo been worked during tho year which has passed. Much of this t i -v n ri "'"f course has been asscBsmont work, KV-T "" but In tho nggrcgato It amounts to . many thousands or dollars. On tho Mnrysvnlo sldo of tho bill, tho year has, nil things considered, been exceedingly quiet. Tho Gold Do- velopment company, which Is tho sue- cossor to tho I. A. II. Franklin group of properties, has been oporatlng dur- Ing tho year. Though no oro lias been shipped, tho work has been or a very satisfactory character. The mnnage- H ment has determined to follow a ays- torn of dovolopmont which will, In tho end, thoroughly demonstrate the valuo of tho ground. With tlio high miner- KH nllzatlon which tho torrltory shows throughout, tliero Is little question, Hhould thu present policy of tho com- pany bo fully cnrrled out, that Its properties will provo as great as any H In tho Btate. M Tho Outzen group or claims Is an- other proporty which tins been under H development during the year, Tho M success which has nttended tho labors H or tho promoters of this property Is j one of tho most gratifying Incidents H that can bo recorded In the camp, Sys- H temntlc work has been going on In this mlno (or somo time. Tho roward H haB been tho uncovering or a splendid H body of oro, which, In tho near futuro, H will tnnko It n worthy successor to H tho groat Annlo Laurie, when tho An- L nlo Laurlo was at Its best. Tho year M w 1908 will Beo this proporty take Its H -v placo among tho producing mines of H tho district. H But little work, If any, has been ac- H compllshed nt tho old Dallon. This j property has been mismanaged almost H from tho first. As was said nbovo, It H was tho mlno which first draw tho at- H tendon of tho mining public to tho dls- B trict. Thero uro still groat posslhll- Itlcs In tho old mlno. What the next year will havo In store for It, It Is very hard to say. Thero is tall;, how- cvor, that It will again bo worked. 1 Tho Wedgo Is another mlno which 3 has boon Idlo through ho yoar. Llko IhmH tho Dalton, It has bcon worked at In- HH tcrvnls, but never with nny system. Another property which has been long Idlo Is tho Deer Trait. There Is, B within Its slopes already In sight boy- cral nitllionp or dollars In oro which havo t lying thoro for years. Tho death i J. Salisbury, Into whoso hands tuo. control of tho proporty ro- llll I I Hill II II 1 1 111 III! Ill mnlncd for n long number of yearn, has nt last made It possible that It will pnRg Into other hands, and there Is stmng talk that Its lnog period of Inactivity will bo broken In tho near future. The same may bo snld of tho property of tho Monto Del Itcy group, 'hough from another cause. This latter lat-ter mlno In the old days produced a considerable amount of high grndo oro. In so many oC tho mines In nnd around Marysvnle, the work wus done without system, and though ore was found everywhere, tho main bodies havo as yet been undeveloped. Thoro Is every reason to lillovo that tho Monto Del Hoy will bo worked during tho coming year, and that an attempt will bo mado to develop the mlno nt depth, Llko over at Klmberly, thero has been tho usual nmount of assessment work accomplished on tho Marysvalo sldo. Somo of this has shown very satisfactory results, nnd many of the prospects uro In n fnlr way of becoming becom-ing paying mines at somo futuro day. Taking all things together, the year which has Just passed, while It has shown nothing extraordinary In Its results, re-sults, Is far from bolng what could ho called n discouraging ono for tho minors min-ors of Marysvalo and of Klmberly. Tho depression In financial circles will hnvo but little cfToct on tho mines hero, for tho reason that tho chief product Is gold, nnd this Is not affected affect-ed by financial Hurries, ns uro dls: trlcts which produce tho baser met-ols. met-ols. Tho day of 'gophering" In tho district Is nearly over. Men of tho caliber of Mr. Carr of tho present Annlo Laurie, aro slowly hut surely gaining control of Inrgo areas or tho country round about, nnd with cnpltal enough to dovolop tho ground nt depth, will demonstrate Just what tho torrltory torrl-tory will produce. Thero aro thus bright days In Btoro for Maiysvolp. and unless nil signs fall, tho beginning begin-ning of n now era will dawn ovor tho district during tho coming year. |