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Show Aluminum Aluminum is the most abundant metallic me-tallic element in existence. Although it is more abundant than Iron, it has not been used until the last 23 years, for It is found locked up so tight with oxygen that only the electric furnace can easily separate the two elements. It is an essential constituent of nearly all rocks except limestone mid sandstone. sand-stone. Dearborn Inuepehdent. Soapstone i Soapstone Is a rock composed essentially es-sentially b the hydro-magnesiau mineral min-eral talc, but never chemically l'ure. owing to the presence of vr'nS v?-J.V. uium minerals, such as mien chlorite amphlbo'le, pyroxene, etc 'soapstone is a massive rock, ot blulsh-gray-gtve.i color, and soft enough to be readily cut with a knife. Starch in Human Foods Starch is the only food that ir) changed in any chemical way m the mouth. Starch is gradually changed into sugar in the alimentary canal, the first process taking place it. the mouth. Oher foods are merely ground up and .softened, i.i preparation for action by other juices Webster's Work on Dictionary Noah Websier began his preparation prepara-tion for bis American dicionary of the F.nglish language In 17 and published pub-lished it in 1S2S. Previous to ISO. ho ,,ad published a speller and "A C om -n-irv" bo'.h of which pendious D.cti'-n.n wel-e probably helpful in the new un- (lorl;,uillg. The American dictionary contained 12,X0 more words and about 40,000 more definitions than had appeared in any Englian d euonary puhl.sbed before hi |