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Show Gains 21 Pounds IN SHORT TIME MASTIN'S Vitamcn Tablets Now Used By Millions As A Natural, Nat-ural, Quick and Easy Way To Help Increase Weight and Energy So remarkable is tt:e frct!n of MASTIN'S V IT Ail ON TAH1.KTS la belpJujc to Increase tlie nourishine, health -giving power of what you ocit. , that one woman recently guinoti 21 I pounds after being tliiu aud ailLntf for years. Woak. thin, run-down men and women every w bore v let Iras of un-tier-nourishment are often omazi-d at) the astonisiilng Improvement in, their health, wight, mental alertness and appe ranee Hfter oulv a short course of MASTIN'S Y1TAA10N T AH LETS. MASTIN'S VITAMON T AH LETS contain all three vitumines, true organic or-ganic irou, the neoesary lime snlta and other vitalizing elements which Nature provides for perfect vigor of body and mind, and to build up th.it powerful resistance which helps to grwird you against the germ 8 of disease. Only by making tb test yourself can you fully realize how MASTIN'S VITAMON TABLtMS help to feed and nourish the shrunken tissues, build up renewed nerve force, strengthen the entire digestive and InteetimU tract and help put on linn solid flesh in the places where it is most needed. For your own safety and protection protec-tion ngelnst cheap substitutes and imitations, insist upon MASTIN'S to Ret the original VITAMON TABLETS TAB-LETS Rueranieed to give satisfaction or money refunded. At all good druggists, such as kaJRE5C0LDSw24H0IiRSf fRES LACRIPPEwSDA f DETROIT. W.H.HIU.L. CO. MICHIGAN.' SHE DYED A SWEATER, SKIRT AND CHILD'S COAT WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains con-tains directions so simple any woman can dve or tint her worn, shabby dressea, ekirta, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, draperies, hangings, everything, even if she has never dyed before. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect home dyeing is sure because Diamond Dia-mond Dyes are guaran teed not to spot, fade, streak, or run. Tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. advertisement. SALT LAKE ) Business ' Directory Two PALMER Valuable Bond W Mortgage Co. Rxplninins Hie Income Tax Law and the security se-curity of tax-free municipal bonds. Mailed free on request. Walker Bank Bldg. ATTRACTIVE TABLE SILVER must be GOOD silver. Its a ginxi investment then. Come to us for the world's best. BOYD PARK JEWELERS yks BOYD PARK BLDG. 106 MAIN STREET SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT OBLIGATIONS Issued by cities and towns of Utah and sold by us are carefully examined as to legality, security etc.. and are safe investments which yield more than 6 per cent and are free from the Federal Income Tax. Send this ad and your name and address for our 30 page description de-scription booklet. IT IS FREE, ROSS SEASON & CO. Felt Building OLDSMOBILE DEALERS WANTED In Utah. Idaho, Nevada, Ne-vada, Wyoming. Liberal commission will end representative on request. A. E. TOURSSEN Distributor. . COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Announcements Invitations Calling Cards Your printer will furnish samples and price. Jennings-Gottechall Engraving Co. YOU NEED PRINTING Patronize your home publisher. His prices are just as good or better than you can get elsewhere. Your work will be given prompt and satisfactory attention by your printer-merchant. printer-merchant. Help to build up your local industries. indus-tries. BABY CHICKS S?S make early winter layers. All varieties. VOGELER SEED CO. Salt Lake City - Utah BUSINESS COLLEGES L. D. 8. BUSINESS COLLEGE. School of Efficiency. All commercial branches. Catalog free. 60 N. Main St, Salt Lake City. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANOS. Players, Sonora-Edison-Colilmbia Phonographs on very easy terms. Everything known in music. Write Daynes-Beebe Music Co. PLEATING & BUTTONS Accordian, Side. Box Pleating. Hemstitching. Buttons, Buttonholes, Kid CorBet Parlor. SEE YOUR PUBLISHER ' See your printer for Binding;, Ruling and Loose Leaf Devices. FIXTURES AND snOW CASES We are manufacturers of Bank. Olfice and Store Fixtures. "Art in Fixtures is our Business." Salt Lake Cabinet & Fixture Co. BEAUTY PARLORS ' CURLS, SWITCHES. Transformations from $1.98 up. Only human hair used. Fast prepaid mail service. Walkers (Dept.) Beauty Parlor. DEPARTMENT STORES SENDf6 wXu8JrsTsLt"l"aKE CITY, Utah, for anything you cannot get in your home stores. A REMINDER Ready Reference Directory of Leading Lead-ing Salt Lake Business Houses When you come to Salt Lake bring this list with you. UTAH MliTAL WOUKS, M'f'g.s Type Metals. When a man boasts of having money to burn he will soon have ashes to throw away. The most justice some men get the more they don't want. Y't : V.i 7 7 Sl - I Mrs. Sarah Lamb East Bakersfield, Calif. "Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is the best tonic nnd blood puriller I have ever taken. I have taken and have used 'Golden Medical Discovery' in my family for many years. I find it excellent excel-lent for coughs, colds nnd as a blood purifier and Spring tonic. Whenever I become rundown or have a tired nnd worn-out feeling, I take the 'Discovery' nnd It builds tne right: up and gives me new life. 'Golden Medical Discovery' Discov-ery' is a very essential family medicine nnd can he relied upon." Mrs. Sarah Lamb, 1008 Pacific St Obtain the Discovery in tablets or liquid from your nearest druggist or send 10c for trial package to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. TAKE ASPIRIN ONLY AS TOLD BY "BAYER" "Bayer" Introduced Aspirin to the Physicians Over 21 Years Ago. To get quick relief follow carefully the safe and proper directions in each unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." This package Is plainly stamped with the safety "Bayer Cross." The "Bayer Cross" means the gen-nine, gen-nine, world-famous Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over twenty-one years. Advertisement. Her Case. "She is perfectly crazy about cuke and bread making.'' "I see ; a regular dough nut." The man who is unable to work nnd smoke at the same time usually smokes. - ii 'l jpjffij jftffiSi For Infants and Children. SlIipwMflif Mothers Know That MwMSSVki Genuine Castoria Always . Bears tho Vjl f Htoi555ta4iH! Signature x.W . -i r i if i; f ,AV In iiPJsassssw Pi &- Use -J and Fcvcrishncss and. I 8 U JSSU Thirty Years 1 TLxacX Copy of Wrapper. TM CE(tTllu COMpNr. rw vontc crrr. |