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Show FARM NOTES. Rust Is an enemy to asparagus growers. grow-ers. Clear cultlvatiiu will kill out bind weed. Heliieinlier that the peas should go In deep. (Jrow some good crop on every font of the farm. (let the oats and peas In as soon us tt Is possible. There Is more or les science to the cutting of potato seed Pasturing bind weed Infested fields with hogs' Is fall lr effective. The main crop of potatoes Is plan'ei) about corn planting tin e ot a little later. Make ) lunx. for suc-inbui of forage for-age crops. All crops grown on the farm help to swell the turn aeiount. With the xcptlini if pigeeii gr.isn and false flax, theie Is no i eei ssltj of sowing any sort ot weed seed wltn flax. Tbe spring and eiuly s-nuniei is t.i time wheu the bees need tl ef!ose: attention at-tention to sec that I hey do no; i uo short of stoics. Liquid manures ure .pecilly tillable till-able when applied to the rows of plants or shrubs that sie of low vital , Ity In the spring. i False flax Is a iiiu-t ud whhh pro-'duces pro-'duces a rather flat sed whiih Is very ! al to go along wish the fi.. in an i ordinary fanning mill j One gwxl colony of bees i worth a j dozen fir more when It comes to a honey crop, as a wear, swerm seldom j gets any surplus honey. Anioig the many Improvement j none along the line of gardening enal I the wheel tools for the saving of labor and tbe efficiency of work Cultivation means more than destroying de-stroying weeds; more than loosening the soil. There is a chemical trana formation going on whenever ths ground la light enough to admit the entrance of sir, and the soil mtlib falls tn get this faKe aLort of the t!hv tat possibilities. |