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Show Is the first route to be traversed and ma.iped. The next step to be taken by the Fly people will be to map a road through to Carson City and San Francisco. The 1910 route book of the Automobile Auto-mobile Club of America wains tourists tour-ists against coming by wny of Salt Lake and then crossing to Fly, as no route was mapped out, and the road was declared to be dangerous. Mr. I long says that such n statement Is untrue and that fine roads are to be found between Salt Luke and Fly. Tho trip was made in an old four-cylinder four-cylinder llulck, the tires of w hich were nearly gone. The three persons in the parly started, but owing to the various troubles with the machine, their trip, which could have been made In two days, was lengthened to three and a half days. From Fly the patty struck out to the east to Makers, Osceola and other places, coming Into I'tah at (iarrlson. From there the trip swung dawn Into Newhouse and ended at Mllford as the end of the first day's Journey, a distance of 146. 5. miles. In tho actual running time of 12 hours. From Mllford Mll-ford to Fillmore the trip wus mnde In two hours and a quarter, but the party was obliged to lay over here for 24 hours until new tires could he received. re-ceived. The trip from Fillmore to Nephl was made in four hours and fifteen minutes and from Nephl to Salt Lake in four hours and fifty minutes. min-utes. Upon arriving in Salt Lake, Mr. Hour said: "It was a splendid trip and It would be hard to llnd better roads anywhere than between Salt Lake and Fillmore. About the worst road In the entire, Journey is between Fillmore and Mil-ford, Mil-ford, although the Wah Wah summit caused a llttlo difficulty. "If the farmers would take a little more pride in their roads and keep the Irrigation waters off from them they would have splendid thoroughfares thorough-fares throughout the state. They should run ditches on the upper side oi the roadt" where Ui xairr coiui-a over and where It was necessary for the water to como across the driveway It should be boxed. This would not only be a great saving In water, but would also be a great saving In the road tax. "The book of the Automobile Club of America is now In the press! but as it Is a loose leaf book this year, the mapped route through Salt Lake will annear this year. FILLMORE NOW ON AUTO MAP. New Route for Automobile Club of America Comes Through Fillmore. Fillmore Is to be placed on the automobile map, and Instead of going by way of Ogden and across the desert des-ert to Ely, automobile tourists may come through Park City, Salt Lake. Provo, Nephl, Fillmore and then through Ely, turn south for a short distance and go through Carson City to San Francisco. As It Is now the transcontinental road runs through Ogden and Ely to Ixjs Angeles and up the coast to San Francisco. Through the efforts of Gil S. Hoag of the Ely Investment company, who Is secretary of the Commercial league of Ely, the route Is being mapped out for the Automobile Club of America. Mr. Woag was In Fillmore last week for twenty four hours, having securer" field notes for a map of a new routf through I'tah to Ely covering 37( miles In the actual running time of 2? hours and 15 minutes. Mr. Woag de dares that the route he has pioneered will give tourists less desert to cross a more beautiful country to trave' through, take less time and cut dowr the mileage. To Salt Lake from Ely, |