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Show of tin existence and jinitl a profit of ?,9 per rent. Tliere are 104 of these co-operative furiuora' elevators In Kanx.as alone ami over 1,000 In the Mississippi states. Nearly all of them were profitable. profit-able. InveHtlgatlon allowed that the companies which paid exceptionally hlKh dividends entrusted their business busi-ness to a M'Cialigt to whom a salary of from 75 to $200 per month was paid. Failures have been traced to the fact that the farmers entrusted the management of the business to some relative who knew little about the business. There l no reason why a farmers' elevator In Millard County should not prove equally successful. 75 farmers have already signed for about $3,000 worth of stock If such an enterprise ran be launched. Nearly as much more should be subscribed to make It a go. Huch an elevator would make It unnecessary to build an expensive granery and every stockholder would soon get his money back In the Increased In-creased price he would get for what he sold and the lower price of what he boucht. If there were five men ho were willing to get out and work for It the elevator would be an accomplished ac-complished fact this fall. There was not a single farmer sufficiently Interested Inter-ested to attend the meeting called at Hinckley last Thursday evening. The editor will have little sympathy for any howl about the low price of grain or alfalfa seed this fall If the farmers farm-ers are not sufficiently Interested to organize for their own protection. As long as he has not sufficient sense to organize he can expect to get It In the neck both coming and going. FARMERS ELEVATORS IN KANSAS. An article In tbe last number of the Country Gentleman give some Interesting Inter-esting facta about some of the farmers farm-ers elevator companies In Kansaa. AU of them have enabled the farmers to get several cents more per bushel ',;t tbelr wheat besides paying good dividends. divi-dends. One In Pawnee County, with a capital of SIO.GOO, paid Its owners $285 for every $100 invested between the time It was organized In October, 1906, and December, 1912. It handled han-dled $30,000 of business per month and dealt only In wheat flour, coal and farm Implements. Another In Commancbe County with only 120 members, paid a dividend of 43 per cent In 1912. It did a business of $9,000 per month. It bandied corn, wheat flour, coal and machinery. Another co-operative company In tbe same county made a net profit of $6,032 in two years, owes nothing and has a stock worth $24,000. Another farmers' organisation Isi Pawnee County reported a 20 per cent dividend In March. It bandied 14S.000 bushels of wheat 2 cars of coal, 32 cars of feed. It cost a trifle over one cent a bushel to bsadle tbe wheat and 4 cents to handle one dollars worth of coal or feed. This little company has done $177,000 worth of business In the four year It bas been Mtabllshed. Another company wltb a capital of 119.000 bas done a business of $305.-IS2 $305.-IS2 In tbe two years and sis months |