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Show in- n The Oldest Jewelry Store in the Hocky MouiitaiiiM WrKe for Calolouc SALT lSS Ol UTAH 100 Mala Nlraat Most Kople who live according to their convictions are convicts. Hewlett's tiimeta Tea JMch, Fragrant ami Pt'liclous. Always (lOOtl. Ank your grocer for LUNKTA TUA. Tim (iood Tea Keeelved will repay you lor tlio trouble. Free Coupon for KogerH Flno Silverwaro In every package. Many a married man spends the rest of his days wondering why he did It. Take good care t of your money Sv Deposit it by mail in a 4?E& savings account with this liJ! bank, where it will si- I'lJiVJ'fS ways saf.', and drawing 4 1'ii,lJit'j pep cent compound inter- "'!tii"!S est. Soud for booklet. '"llJ's Walker Brothers :S!S!!!!3 MIHHHM! Bankers ;;;"; Malt l ake CUT faunae K'A "A Toww f ttrmtfh ' Many a fool man commands respect by merely looking wise. IS "A Devil of A JJ tO)i Good Cement fk W& for Ail Purpost s JK 1 - - "lit ,r - t1- -1 x-1-' i i&z 'r!J.vvt Ootids. H N Junta endwBlundiOf Tep,6un, B t Ammunition and AnimAl OaJtt t rock H bottma arjrri. Wrttc tor lr llulraU44r g D Ull&Si (Ml "W B t yjisi? s i Si iiif imJI 1EN AND WOMEU IT.'V: . . r on vniinl ol many iiil mrM-T tnaklns I'-lltM-. ti(M iipitorliiiiitio oH-n and larlr i il.-maii'l. Vt iva'h Ilia fruli" t-ntniltla. ( all r wiif Molar Barksir Collaja, la Coiunii-n i.l htrcft, halt Laks I'llv. llah. L C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Ball Bearing Long Wearing IrPm Th Typewriter uilllioul a Speed Limit The escapement of tne L. C. Smith permits the carriage to get away from the last printing point bo insUntaneoustyrw that no speed of opera-!Jrp tion is too rapid. y The hair trigger touch of the ball bearinf type bars,a carriage that is never shifted for capitals, a capital shift key requiring re-quiring only one-third ordinary pressure. a combined one-motion carriage return and line r space, which spaces one, Lr two or three lines with the same sweep, i and the ligbtest-Jy possible carr'aSckTirn tension give an ease of operation that makes all day speed easy for the operator. TU al-.p rvd carrl ,Ury Vpfm pa at, tKa wrantMaS ai fibUe sMt tai Uci paca lrf mxi d- tart dial aa canary apa-aOot kAM tKa kals lew wtsiaf aiioe. fbawi apwJwaJl actafaryia tUUCSauk. Had m patlelf kttrmtu saiay. LCSMITlI&P?i0S.TTPBirrERC0. U e- nAOa,ILT,C.l tWtf t'axk. IM7 Ckaat Jra But wheo a friend tella yoo aome-thlnx aome-thlnx for your oi rood It's a i Uat pleasure will be all ala. FOR SALE. One four-horse press drill eostlni fHO will be sold for $75. Four horse power gasoline engine, cost $134 for 60. Two steel barrows, cost $19.50 each, for $10. A tent bouse lCxll feet with fly, cost $100, will sell for $00. A tiorse, cart and harness for $50. Some light furniture. Machinery used only (lightly. Will sell for cash or trads for city property; also 40 acres ol alfalfa land fenced and with a flowing wen. J. w. noun, Tent bouse north of Delta Hotel C. A. Broaddus.MD. Physician and Surgeon Occulist DESERET-9 to 10 a. m. niNCKLEY Afternoons t the Cash Drujr Store. PHONES AT BOTfl OFFICES James Alex Melville Attorney-at-Law DELTA - - UTAH FANNIE L. TERRY Coats a. Specialty Suits made to order HINCKLEY - - - UTAH ERASTUS JOHNSON - J. E. PETTY CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Ne job tee large, noaa toe small DESERCT ... UTAH W. L. Lockyard Watchmaker and Jeweler Will soon he read v for bualness In the new building ad joining the Delta - Mercantile it Implement Co. AH Kinds of Watch and Clock Impairing'. Impair-ing'. I also expect to carry a line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ktc. Brinf your work to m . DELTA - UTAH S. W. Harder & Son We carry the Celebrated SUNFLOWER SHOE All ill at ai the Uwart picas Dreu ft Work SLirU, Hats & Underwear Far Mea aad Beys Ladltt furnished vllh everything from a halrptn to wedding dreu Leamington - Utah Verne Bartholomew VETERINARY SURGEON CaSs made to any part of the Counry Charges Reasonable Paa at ReaMeace Fillmor - Utah &toi Bank of (Oasto Does a General Basking business aad solicits your patronage. Utaraat m SavUfs CotlactioM Maie Mssey Trmaatadtt Aaywhero C O. W. PICRSON. CASHIER A, D. RYAN. C. E. Surveying Mapping fWaa Kant Saarbr Star bescjurr . utao Stops Backache Sloan's Liniment is a splendid remedy for backache, stiff joints, rheumatism, neuralgia and sciatica. You don't need to rub it in just laid on lightly it gives comfort and ease at once. Best for Fain and Stiffness Ma. Gso. B'XHAKAN, of Welch. Okla., writes "I hse osed yotrr liniment lin-iment fur the past ten yeats for pain in back and stiIaete and sod it the best Liniment I ever tried. 1 recommend U to anyone for pains of any kind." SEMI'S -IIMMffif ; is good for gprains, strains, bruises, cramp or soreness of tbe muscles, and all affections of the throat and chest J. Cot Entire Relief A R. D. Busuovnk, of Maysvilla. Kv.. RR. t. Bos re 5, writes 1 "1 hsd severe pains between my houI- ders; I got a bnttle of your IJniinem and bad eniiie " relief at the fifth application." I ReOevwd Severe Pain la Shoulders I Ma. J. UiiiawrjoD, of soco Warreo Ave.. I iK Chkago. 111., writes: " I am a piano polisher J. i Jl by orcopstion, and since last September hsvt) I suffered with serere pain In both shoulders. I I could not rest eight of day. One of my 1 ) a. friands told me about your Liniment. t 1 V Three applications completely cured jj y- V. V sne and I will never be without U." f w Frkelia.. 0 s4 SI SO CScw'' V-'w alAflDssrs. ff Se-' T Sloaal fr aookaa koraa. |