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Show IKK NT.tTKM KT. ltMrt made to the HrcreUry f Kinie of th Htale i.f l?th. of lht rondlllon of The Htat Hunk of On Bin, iocatrt at OaJila, In th County of Millard, Mtat of Huh. at Urn clo of bualnt'M on thr Hat day of November. 1310: JtEHAtritCKH. Iioana and dlwounta 9 (3.350.30 Ovirdrafta I.293.2 lianklna; noun 471. t Furniture and tin (urea ; I,2.KS liu from Kiate Uanki and Bnkara Sl.l?.23 Cah on hand J, 513. 61 Current expenaea and taxea I.8.t5 Total , I75.06I.II t.iAnn jtikh. Capital atock paid In 110.000.00 Undivided pronta ; 1.332. Individual depoitlta .'.,7o.lx i KavlnK Deptialta .lt. Caahler'a chec-ka 438. & Itomand c-rtinratea on deOHli 90.00 Tim certlflcatea of depoalt... S.70.00 Note and bllla rclliii'ouni.-il . . S.250,00 Total "5,02.3I 4 Htat of Utah, founiy of Millard. Henry MutT. being Drtjt duly aworn ecordlnif to law deniNt'a and miyn llutt h la irenldent of the almve umi bank; thnt th above and fii'Knhi report cnnlnlna a full, Ii iim and i on eel statement of the rondlllon of the nalil e bank; at the clone of buHlnea on the I VJlal uy of November, 1910. ' J j (Signed! HKNItY lH'Kr. 1. . hCliJri I bed ttlij awurn to' Ix-fore me 1 Vili Snd day of lepember, 1910. ' (Ht-aii c. o. w. riicnsoN. Notary rubllc. Comnilaelon explrea October II, 1914. 0rre-t Attent: ' HKNItY IH'KK, MILTON MOODY. WILLIAM llt'KK, Director. State or I'uh, Office of the Secretary nf Htate. I, V. H. Tlimey, Secretary nf male of the Htate of t.'taU do hereby certify that the foreirnlnK a full, true and correct copy of the atatetnent of llio above natnud company, filed In my office Ihla Bill day of lNcember, 1910. C H. TINUKY, ' j Secretary of State. I |